3. For All The Pain I Feel

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AN: Map of their world above...
Sylvia Vermillion

My body burned from both new and old injuries. I couldn't even begin to think how that surge of controlled magic could have happened. Nothing would, could have caused it. There had been nothing new introduced into my body. It was all the same, the same amounts of wolfbane and witch wood. There had been no iron, my reaction to it would be different, and more immediate. I could not comprehend what could have caused it.

I looked up the hangers. Which dress would cause me the least pain? I had only five minutes to pick and fix everything. How in fucks name could I do that? I could barely stand, though I would never admit it to anyone. My hand lay upon a cornflower blue one with little bluebells dotted across the bodes. I looked at myself in the mirror I looked like the dead. Rubbing my forehead, I carefully bent down. Little good did that it did me though. My skin felt like it was splitting as I placed my shoes on both feet. I bit my lip trying to redirect the pain. I felt my eyes prick with an unforetold amount of tears. I looked back onto the doors that kept me safe from the monsters outside. With a soft breath, I opened them and let the heat and light bathe me.

My eyes wandered to where I had seen the Aelderman sit. It seemed that the heat and he did not bode well. He had dumped his boots and shirts they now lay on the floor. He was fanning himself. It was a futile attempt, just like how tying one's hair up or removing the covers was. Even worse though, he was using his hands. "I'm sure I could find a fan to match your eyes if you're so desperately hot." He turned to look at me. There was such an ire on his face, but his laughing eyes gave him all too easily away. Moving forward I applied my make-up. Recently, I had become quite the master at covering anything up. My skin was perfectly smooth and pale. None of my freckles could be seen under this.

I readied myself to stand again. I tried not to flinch, but it was near impossible. It was strange I couldn't stop looking, checking on the Aelderman. Something was alluring about him. Like he was moulded from the cold north. His blue eyes were like ice. His brown hair held a shine, almost like a mirage of darkness. One, that hid the light. It was stupid how I was fantasizing about a man I had just met. I wouldn't let myself be too distracted though. If I were to leave, I would only have one chance. And I was not about to let that go. To be able to get away from Ryan and all his intentions. Who knew maybe I could find my mate? That would be something. Something to keep me hopeful, once I was truly all alone in the South. "I can see you looking at me through the mirror. You know it's not wrong if you want to look directly." I swung my hair, so it was on my opposite shoulder, "Oh, I know, but this way, it means you're paying attention to me." He chuckled and began to head for the door.

Turning I began to tease him, "No, chivalrous offer to help me this time?"

"You seemed so opposed to one, so no. Unless you wanted to perhaps apologise and play for my good side." he replicated my tone. I looked him dead in the eyes and said, "I can think of a few ways to get on it." The Alderman's reaction was disappointing but showed me all I needed to know. I watched his brows furrow in surprise, there were slights hints of unease of disgust. I sucked in my cheek in thought, as I followed him through the door. I have always struggled to explain my magic to someone else, but I tried as he asked me too. "I suppose it's like having another sense. Kinda, for me at least it's like the world is a tapestry and I can feel and alter the different threads." I saw him nod slightly. I could almost see his confusion, however. Trying to explain it to him further would only make contradict each word.

The arched ceilings had all but collapsed, and I was meant to fix them? I didn't even remember how they looked. Although I was sure they had been beautiful. There were just piles of stone everywhere, at least they had the foresight to sort them out. I began to reach for all my magic. This would take some doing. I was marvelled by how I had caused this, just one person caused all this. I caused all this it wasn't that I couldn't control my magic I really could but whatever happened last night... I began to pick at the threads of the stones. The words of the spell came to me, and I mumbled them in my head. There was a rumbling as the stones rose and realigned themselves. The light seemed to dance off the arches leading to the ceilings. I began looking at the tiles on the floors. Whose idea had it been to create a fucking mosaic? I wanted to kill them at that very moment. My wrists swirled in circles as I changed the pattern.

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