6. The Haelyr Ball

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Sylvia Vermillion

That's what Ryan had called it, and I was oh so thankful. My brother just had to choose one of the best fighters on the Continent as his Champion. Anybody else, and the suitor I had paid off would've beaten them. Just not the Aelderman.

Once again, I would have to rethink my plans for getting out of the city. As if it wasn't already hard with all the restrictions. I began to scratch my wrist.

The attendants were patient enough, but I could not care what dress I wore tonight. As long as by the time the guests had left, so had I. They had to keep going further back into my wardrobe as I dismissed every dress. I sat up from the stool and glided over to my bed. I let the duvet fluff around my face as I fell into it. How far back would they have to go to find the dress I wanted?

My bedroom door opened a crack. The guard's helmet peeped through, "A Beta Emmielia Kleis to see you, Your Highness."

Rolling my hand, I lifted my head to see him, "Show her in then." I sighed. What threat or lecture would I face? The Beta had been staring daggers at me throughout the tournament. Her curtsy was wobbly, and her hair was disarrayed. She almost looked panicked. The attendant showed me a green dress, her smile was so hopeful. I shook my head, "It's a blue one. I got it commissioned three years ago."

The attendants looked at me in horror. Amusing. We were only about three months ago into my wardrobe. I turned my attention back to the Beta. "What is it you want from me?"

"If it is not too much trouble to ask, my a borrow a dress? Your Highness." she was looking at her hands. A dress for the Beta? No problem. I turned onto my back and let my hair spill down from the edge of the bed. The Beta was blushing furiously. "Pick any of these, I do not care for them. You can keep the one you choose. You'll no doubt require it on your next visit." She nodded. I watched her rifle through the piles of dresses on the floor. Her hand hovered on a green one, it was sheer and held a blue trim at the top. I had that dress made about a month ago. It had been for a party that was less than proper. Sadly the host had been caught smuggling opium. "You won't know if it suits you if you don't try it on."

Kleis bit her lip and turned to look at me, "You don't think its too revealing? Like it's pretty, but I don't know if I'd want to wear it now." she ran her fingers over the boning in the bodice. It would show a lot. I wandered closer to her, "Your mate would like ti though. It's Adam, right?"

She looked slightly shocked, "Yeh, we were only mated recently, though."

"I could tell. I can sense the pent up sexual tension in you." I laughed, quietly, "Only had your birthday recently, then? And let me guess, my brother called you down before you could do anything."

Emmielia slid to the floor and lay on the cold marble, "Something like that." she let her hands drop from her stomach, "Adam is struggling to see me as anything other than his friend." I sat down next to her. I reached behind me for the dress, "Take it, you might not wear it tonight, but maybe later, when you're all alone in Windgate. There are still plenty of dresses you can pick from."

She smiled up at me, "Thanks, Princess." I shugged. One of the attendants came and handed me my stays. I clasped the eyelets in place and walked into the wardrobe. It was a rainbow. I had a tiny problem of getting new clothes, especially ones made by the fae. Their fabrics were exquisite. I climbed through all of it. I needed to get a fourth wardrobe.

My hands ran across the fabrics. Dresses, clothing, really had always made me feel safe. My hands landed on a crimson and forest green dress, the sleeves were puffed slightly at the shoulders. The green bodice lay over the crimson dress. It would be perfect for my escape. It was accompanied by a small cape and elbow-length gloves. "Anja, bring this one out. I will wear it soon." Anja strode quickly alongside me. Her hands hooked the dress and set it on one of the stools near my desk. I let out a squeal of excitement. I had found the dress.

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