4. The Next Stage

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AN: I think I'm going to release chapters in batches of three or four, these will take more time, but I hope that it will get this finished more efficiently.


I couldn't help but tap my fingers as I listened to the Emperors plans. They weren't any different form we had been expecting, well what Adam and Brandon betted on. "We're throwing out classical warfare, it's just not working for us. So I've been looking into some different tactics, and I've decided that we will continue with gorilla warfare."

The Emperor continued with his new idea. Hearing them out loud, however, made it all seem so much worse. When would this fucking expansion end? In what time could I sleep peacefully? The way both of us were going, it would be whilst I rested on the battlefields or a chopping block. Neither was preferable to anybody.

"With this, we'll have taken Hinnerla by what? Let us be optimistic next spring?" the Emperor, began to shift in his seat.

Adam lifted his hand in question, "So, essentially we're just gonna burn the entire country down?". Both Brandon and I had to stifle a laugh, of course, Adam would take it down to its most simple roots. Ryan, looked him dead in the eyes, "Yes, we're gonna burn the whole country if we must, but remember we need the soldiers to fight the Ienyacki,". Would he stop going on about the stupid folktale? The Ienyacki never existed, it's physically impossible for a cloud of darkness to swallow the world, and all because we use to much magic. IF it's available to us, why shouldn't we be able to use it? Whenever he mentioned the Ienyacki the whole room would just seize up, no one quite brave enough to tell him to get his head out of his childhood. However, most debated its very existence. Ryan had always been slightly unhinged, even before all the killings. "Your Highness, my men and I must be getting back to the celebrations, it would be rude to your family and country to not show are faces there.". Anything was better than sitting through another three-hour war meeting. What we would really be doing, was trying to find some saving glory of his so-called plan to use, and not get killed for disobeying his orders.

The palace had always been beautiful, but it now.. felt poisoned. Whether it was from the Princess or Emperor, or both, I was yet to know. The columns rose to the high ceiling, every room was covered in them. It was like the gods were watching, from them.

The Emperor hadn't bothered to give me an office for the lengthened stay. It would be impossible to get anything done without one, but perhaps he was baiting me to failure. I fell onto the bed, with a sigh. I knew everyone would come in soon. They had given me a moment to wade through everything.

The doors creaked open, and I felt what was coming next, "PILE ONNNNNN!" Adam's voice cracked as he began to run forwards. My neck allowed me to see where they were all coming from. Someone's elbow landed on my stomach, and as Emmielia jumped on us, I could feel my breakfast coming up.

"Why would you do that?" I wheezed, from under the mass of muscles. Brandon's shirt was stuffed into my eyes. "Come on, Ray, you know it's tradition after a meeting with the Emperor," Emmielia was interrupted, by Adam's blonde hair, which popped up between her arms.

"Me thinketh you mean thy almost lover nay ex crusheth." Adam began to speak like the Priestesses.

"I will break your skull and eat its fragments, Adam." Emmielia grabbed his neck and began squeezing, "Why is your neck so bloody thick?"

"Firstly, I don't know. Secondly, I only ever speak the truth, and why won't you eat my brains?" He pouted, which only infuriated Emmielia more. Brandon moved to sit against the bedpost, "I am ever so happy to inform you, Adam, that you don't have one." we all stifled a laugh. Adam just rolled his eyes, "I'm sorry, but how many times have I saved your life? I don't think you have enough fingers and toes to count." he tossed his hair proudly like a horse.

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