14. Breaking It Off

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Raymund Seaxe

I was a mess. I knew what I should be doing, and yet I just couldn't bring myself to do it. My hands slightly shook before I opened the door. My emotions were completely off the charts. I took my seat and kept my eyes down, my toe bounced inside my boot. I could feel Claudia's eyes on me, felt the shame as Sylvia broke the news.

"It would seem that the Council has no choice, but let you stay with your mate." Nickel's voice was mellow. He'd never liked me, but this was hurting Claudia, and he loved her more than the moon. The Aelderman began to disperse out of the room. Sylvia linked arms with her brother, Vlad, joyfully. I stayed in my seat and felt my emotions. Clarisse came closer to me, "Hey, so that must have been... fun?"

I chuckled up at her. I could feel my face pull out a smile for my little sister. Her eyebrows clenched together, and her body fell with an exhale. "Ray, I. Goddess, I can't even... tsk." she reached for my hand, "I'm so sorry, I know how much you love Claudia."

"It's been decided by the Goddess and the Council, I can't stay with Claudia, I just have to suck it up." I stood and made my way to the door. I could hear her breathing slowly, "You shouldn't have to, Ray. Who cares what they say?" I smiled lightly before turning towards her, "We both know I'm honour bound to her, only death can free me of my duty to her."

"It's not fair. For me, for you. Esenia got rid of Mates and honour centuries ago, why can we?" She threw her hands in the air, before slumping angrily in her seat. She pulled her face into a scowl and dumped her feet on the table. I walked back to the table. Kneeling, I rested my arms on the arm of her chair. Her head lolled down to face me, "You know you may be losing a lover/girlfriend, but I'm losing the chance of having a sibling that hasn't been steeped in trauma their whole life."

I smile broke out on both our faces, "It makes us all the more funny, though."

"That.. is terrible- and ughhhh you're not getting my point." Clarisse held on tightly to my arm. I nodded. I felt a weight settle in the back of my throat. Clarisse enveloped me in a hug. I began to sob quietly, "Fuck this" Clarisse just held me tighter, and I could feel the quiet shaking of her own sobs. I placed my head gently in her hair and tried to soothe her. Clarisse had always loved it when mother played with her hair. Whenever we cried it eventually, made it's way back to our parent's death. It did in my mind at least. "Is the Princess funny at least?" Clarisse wiped at her eyes. I shook my head, "I don't think so..."

Clarisse groaned, "Can we keep Claudia then, she can teach me stuff... and you can have a torrid affair with her."

I scoffed and pulled my hand over my face, "I need to pay more attention to what you read, don't I?"

Her eyes widened, and she shook her head quickly, "Dad never did-"

"Dad believed that you were reading mythology, not smut." I flicked a hair out of her face. She choked, and her eyes widened, "I- I do not read smut," she hissed. I raised my eyebrows at her. She made frantic hand gestures.

"Claudia told me what you were reading, and I quote 'Ray, she's reading, oh goddess. Umm smut. She's reading smut, and I think you might want to do something about it.'" I flicked Clarisse's nose. She backed away from me, "That little snake..."

"That's what it's like having a sister, they snitch on you." I laughed as she began to plot her revenge. It was easy to spot when Clarisse started to plan a prank. Her face could walk you through the steps. The confusion, surprise and pure evil. Half of Windgate loved her, but all of them were her victims. She stalked closer to me, "Do you want muffins? I want muffins." she lifted her arms up to my shoulders, "Take me to my muffins." Her smile was devious as I pulled her onto my back. She kept laughing in my ear, "Are you trying to make me deaf?"

"Of course not," her voice ringed loudly in my ear. I cringed, and she laughed quietly "I'll whisper, ok?".

We picked up Adam on the way. He could never turn down the opportunity for food, besides he adored Clarisse. She was perhaps the only person who put up with his stupidity when it was at full throttle. The two of them made a pair. It was quite a sight to see when they crept around the castle, a full-grown man under the control of the whims of my fifteen-year-old sister.

He would often stoop down to her height as she spread her evil gospel into his ear. It would be alright the pranks, and her carefree attitude, but she had so little control over her magic, and her emotions ruled her. It was good most days, but there were some when she couldn't rein in her feelings, and the sky would turn stormy. There had been an eery silence when she first heard about our parent's death. Then the skies opened up two days later, and we faced the worst storm seen in two hundred years. I had tried to get tutors, but magic worked differently with her. I'd tried witch tutors, fae tutors and werewolf tutors, but none worked. We were close to the kitchens when we ran into Claudia. Silence fell upon us, and Clarisse slid off my back. She waved me goodbye and pulled Adam into the kitchens. I looked at Claudia and let the silence fall between us. She was smiling, and I knew it was forced, and I knew it hurt us both. I wanted to step closer to kiss and hold her. Claudia wouldn't allow me to do so, she was traditional in that way. "I guess congratulations are in order. I am so pleased... that you could find your mate in this life." she wouldn't look at me. My tongue moved uncomfortably in my mouth, "I am so sorry, Dia. I didn't mean for this to happen."

She curled her shoulders around herself and clasped her hands around her face. I began to apologise, but she just plugged her ears.

"Please don't say anything. I don't want to cry more than I have." Dia turned to face me. Her eyes were puffy and red. I went closer to her, and she burst into tears. "WHY did you have to go to Asimenia? WHY did you have to to bring her back here? WHY go with her into that fucking forrest? I love you, and I can't make it go away. I want it to go away."

I moved away from her, trying to control my emotions, "I'm sorry Dia, I'm a twit and I-"

"I want you to be happy, happy with me and I know she's your mate, but I hate her for taking you from me." Claudia began to raise her voice in between sobs. The weight settled in the back of my throat again. I looked into her eyes and her tear-streaked face. My heart was being trampled all over. I began to cry, "I love you, Dia, I love you so so much. Please don't leave me. I can't do anything without you, and I could barely give a fuckaboutthat stuck up princess beside you."

Cladia shook her head, "Don't, don't do that.". She sniffed, and then we both started crying even harder. I moved to hug her, but she held out her hands. Keeping me at arm's length. She pulled her arms tighter around herself and fled down the corridor.

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