22. Set Me Alight

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Raymund Seaxe

We sat in the hall in silence. It had been that way for hours, but what else were we meant to do? I could feel myself waiting for Sylvia to burst through the door on Vlad's back. She'd be laughing, and Vlad'd fall over one of the benches. There would be a mess of laughter, limbs and wood, but that wasn't going to happen. They were gone. Gone, and we had to deal with the fallout. I shouldn't be ungrateful Sylvia, had saved my life. Sacrificed everything, but I was full of resentment. It would have been fine if I had died, I would have been missed, but Clarisse was prepared and, Claudia would move on. Now, I sat in a wheelchair, unable to walk to run. How could I protect them if I couldn't walk? How could I do anything? Why couldn't Sylvia have saved me and my legs?

I let my head fall into my hands. Everything had gone so wrong... I had been powerless to do anything. Emmielia was blind and mutilated, and Adam had lost his hand. We'd never had bad injuries like this. I just guess it had all caught up with us. The hundreds of battles we'd fought and only walked away with scars and bruises. Sure, there'd been some deadly injuries, but we healed they were nothing permanent. Adam couldn't grow a new hand, nor Emmielia new eyes.

Brandon came in and, he carried a bronze bowl of water. He placed it at the end of the table. The black paint on his face had been smeared so, Brandon took a shabby brown rag and began to wash his face clean. The only noise was dripping water. I watched him silently. Watched as the black dripped away to the light brown of his skin. He wiped his face with his sleeve and came to sit next to me. He sighed and rubbed his eyebrows, "What are we going to do with her body?"

"Ryan, how do you want Sylvia buried?" I asked quietly. He sat in the far corner with Hawes and Ecilia. He'd stopped crying long ago, but his shoulders still shook.

He stood but leaned heavily on Hawes's arm. I didn't think I'd ever see him lean; on anyone. They came close to where the rest of us sat, "We'll bury her in the... correct way."

I nodded silently, "Brandon and I will get the boat ready. Clarisse can show you where to-"

"Thank you," Ryan replied quietly. There was even more of an edge in his voice. Brandon rose, and we left.

Ryan Vermillion

I watched as Clarisse's head bobbed as she walked. Sylvie used to be her height, and she had dyed her hair brown once. It had been weird to see her with brown hair, but she looked like an angel. Clarisse's hand landed on a golden handle; Clarisse twisted it and led us into the room. The room was dark, but with a strike of a match, she lighted several candles and some incense. Clarisse looked more like her mother than anyone else in her family. She'd retained the light brown skin that Raymund hadn't. "The white sheets are in that cupboard, and there's a bowl of water on the side." She closed the door and left me alone. I gently placed Sylvia on the table. Her skin felt papery thin as I brushed grey hairs out of her face. I brought the stool closer to the table. The darkness had never been so comforting. I grasped her hand and brought it close to my face. "I'm so sorry, Via. I shouldn't have done- I should've died for you, you know I would've, but you had to give yourself up for him. What was it all for if you're not here? I did everything so so wrong. I should've just told you everything, to begin with. You would've helped, and we would've found a way through, and we'd both be alright. I've failed you and, I am so sorry." I kissed her hand and let it touch my tear-stained cheek.

Dropping the flannel in the water, I let it soak. I let the water run down my sleeves as I ringed the fabric. I washed away the blood on Sylvia's face and neck. I had to remove most of her clothes, but I left the chemise on; I had to give her some last respect for all the pain I'd caused. I didn't think she'd mind if I hadn't, but I didn't know how else to- to apologise.

I untied the pouch at my waist. In case we died, we always carried gems; it would help our journey to the Goddess. I placed a ruby in each pf her ears. I walked to the cupboard that Clarisse had shown me. I lifted two sheets from the shelf. I began to wrap Sylvia in the sheets.

When I'd finished, I let myself sink back onto the stool. My hands rested on my knees, and my back was slouched. My breathing slowed; I closed my eyes and tried to push back the tears. The lump at the back of my throat was suffocating. The incense was suffocating; everything was.

There was a knock, and Hawes let himself in, "Come on, Ryan, they've got the boat ready," he rested his hand on my shoulder, "I'll help you carry her." I nodded. I never thought I'd be the one to carry my sister's body; in my mind, she would have outlived me. But that wasn't the case. My hands gripped her shoulders as we walked down the stairs. The mud was everywhere, and my boots got covered in a new layer. I looked at the lake; it was a shimmering silver, and the pines formed a wall around it. Sylvie would like it. Raymund, Brandon and Adam were keeping the boat from drifting off. Claudia and Clarisse had gathered flowers that adored the boat, Via, would have liked that as well. Hawes and I gently placed on her the raft. I pushed some of the flowers out of her face, and Raymund handed me the bow. They pushed her off, and the raft began to drift to the centre. I lit the arrow and took aim. The arrow made a dash of red against the darkening sky. I sucked in a breath as it hit the raft. The flames soon flickered around her. Raymund came and sat next to me in his chair, and I took his hand. He squeezed mine before saying quietly, "I'm sorry I couldn't accept her. Sylvia was an amazing person."

"I think she would have understood why you couldn't, and so shall I." I smiled weakly at him. His hands moved to the wheels of his chair, and we rejoined the others on the bank. I stayed there thinking, and they had left long ago. I picked up a stick and began to peel off its bark. It was all over, and I had the world to change...

AN: Well, that's over, and I feel slightly sad to see the world go, but we will return in the Companion Novel: The Pretender.

Three Generations ago the affluential Akelyos family was disgraced and exiled. On the far island of Cast Creek the family waits for their sentence to end. Years passed and the Head of the Akelyos was summoned back to Rianewle. He never returned. The Akelyos noble and righteous never let a grudge go.

His children hungry for revenge of their father begin to gather favours form foreign courts. With their army complete they launch their attack on Rianewle and its monarchy. After a year of war, Rianewle surrenders to the Akelyos. Leif Akelyos is soon to be crowned and to face the challenges of being King.

But all success comes at a price. With his marriage being the one thing keeping him on the throne. The restless courtiers discontent with the changes he has made. A hidden secret of the old ruling family. A foreign threat that is much too close to home. He's servely underqualified to rule. How will he keep control?

So this takes place many years later, and on a different continent, but there will be references to Esenia and Hunai, and The Saab.

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