Chapter 7a: A Visit

Start from the beginning

“Thanks.” I looked over at her with a nervous smile.

“Let me take you to my room.” I felt nervous. I never once said that to anyone before. I don’t know how to feel about that, especially with this situation.

Amity nodded and stuck close behind me as I led her up the stairs. A few turns later, we entered my room. I sheepishly turned around at her as she looked around.

“Don’t mind the mess in here...I wasn’t expecting visitors…” Amity chuckled as she walked in.

“Don’t sweat it, my room is messier.” I shot her a look of shock, and then chuckled.

“I doubt that.” Amity started laughing with me, and for once since the end of school, I felt relieved. I know that feeling wouldn’t last long, but I cherished every second of it. I noticed how she held her arm as she awkwardly stood in my room. I cleaned off my bed and looked back.

“You can sit down if you want. You don’t need to be so awkward here.” I gave her a sly look and she smirked at me.

“I’m not. Maybe I want to stand.” I chuckled before she sat on the bed next to me. I felt the fluttering in my stomach as I felt my nerve rise up. She was pretty close. I felt the heat from her body hit my side as her arm got closer. It was awkward for a moment. No noise was made from one of us. You would be able to hear a pin drop, that’s how quiet it was. I don’t know why she was quiet, but I know why I was. Anxiety and fear can do stuff like that to you. 

Eventually, Amity must’ve gotten sick of the silence as she gave out a forced cough and turned towards me.

“ I said, I came over to check how you were doing. I would’ve messaged you first, but you still haven’t given me your number.” She lightly chuckled as she saw me go into thought.

“Another thing I forgot huh? Ugh..sorry about that.” She waved off my apology and lightly smiled.

“Don’t sweat it. At least I knew I could just knock on your door if I needed to.”

“...and you did just that…” I felt both the fluttering in my stomach intensify, and the depression in my soul get slightly worse. At this point, I'm not sure why she’s still willing to do all of this for me. Just to see if I was okay? It was surprising to say the least. That was the last thing I would’ve expected anybody to do for me, but here she is, right in front of me.

“Yeah…” She looked down at the ground, thinking about what she was gonna say next. “About lunch...I’m...I’m sorry about that…” I looked at her with confusement.

“Why are you apologizing?” Amity twiddled with her fingers as she took a breath.

“Well...I can’t help but think I caused your breakdown in some way...I mean...I was the one who pushed the conversation wasn’t I? I just..” She gripped onto her sleeves as she continued on. “I’m sorry for any unintentional pain I caused towards you.”

Was Amity crazy or something? She did absolutely nothing to me.

I was baffled by what she was saying. She thinks she caused my breakdown? That couldn’t be any more untrue if it could be. I didn’t hesitate to correct her about it.

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