Chapter 4: The Azura Book Club

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It's been a week since school started. A week since I joined Hexside, and I must say, I'm enjoying it alot.

It's not perfect. It's far from perfect when it comes down to everything. Not like I'm not getting bombarded by work. Some teachers don't know when to relax with that crap. Speaking of teachers, there's some I just down right hate. My gym teacher for example is someone who is just obnoxious with his job. All we do ia the warm ups for like 30 minutes, and then we finally do the fun stuff for only 10 minutes. It doesn't help that he has to constantly yell at us during it too.

Thankfully with teachers like that, there's always teachers that I'm gonna like. Mrs. Clawthorne for example is just that. She's the nicest teacher I know, and she's so sweet to me. She actually cares about me and my concerns, unlike my old teachers and helps me out alot. Hell, she moved my seat away from Boscha after the first day because she already knew I didn't enjoy her company.

Speaking of Boscha, she still has been a nuisance to me. Even though I'm away from her in History, I'm still residing next to her locker. We always bump into each other in the morning and at the end of the day, and each time she sees me, she has to make some remark about me. Some days I can tune her out. Other days, it takes a toll on me mentally. I wish I could say I could ignore her at all times, but my mind would say otherwise.

I barely see her though, I'm mostly around my friends in classes. Me and Willow are in a study hall together on Tuesdays and Thursdays, and we use this time to get to know more about each other, while talking about our interest. Me, Jerbo and Viney are also in my gym classes, and we always partner up in games, or stick close to each other during warm ups, and it's fun to goof off with them. Then there is Gus, who is in my English class. He is a real intellect I must say. Now he isn't the best of the best, but he knows about what the hell he talks about, especially writing. That's something he's really good at, despite his constant worries of his near perfect grades in the class.

Unfortunately I haven't had a good chance to talk to Amity at all throughout the week. Ever since Boscha saw us talking during lunch, Amity has been rather distant of me. She's always close to Boscha and her crew in any class that they're together in, homeroom included. That kinda hurts because I really wanna talk to her, but I have my fingers crossed it's nothing to do with me being a loser. Whenever I see her within the group, she's not even talking much. She seems to be in her own world, doodling or just staring off.

I swear, her dead planned expression screams "get me the fuck out of here" to me, and that makes me feel bad.

Anyways, it is the start of a new week and today I'm really excited because I can finally go into my club for the first time! Club days are like once or twice within a month and this is the first one of the year, and because of me signing up on the first day, I qualified into participating today. I grabbed all of the Azura books I had at home, shoved them into my backpack and went to school.

I thought twice about bringing them out immediately because I didn't want Boscha to have a word about it. Considering she can peer over in my locker with ease, I know she would have a blast making me feel like a clown for the day.

"Hello Luz." She spat my name with venom. I just stayed focused on my own locker.

"So today is Club Day, and if I remember, you signed up for something on the first day." She looked at me with a sly, judging look, and even though I turned away again, I felt her stare hit my neck.

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