41. Suprise within suprise

Start from the beginning

And Amber was right. Besides all their differences, it was time to put them aside. They had a lot of making up to do for the past few years that they had missed from each others lives but none the less, they were  sure that they would.

"And we will make it work" Eleanor replied as she came to stop, facing her sister "you're the only family I have left."

Amber smiled at Eleanor contently, placing a reassuring hand onto her arm.
For a moment, the sisters looked into each-others eyes meaningfully and as the tears started to well up in their eyes, they fell into a crushing embrace. Hugging one another tightly.

All the comfort from a familiar family embrace came flooding back to Eleanor's memory as she held onto her sister tightly.
Until now, she hadn't realised how much she had missed her and even if she was with George or not, it would be nice to have her around.

"Isn't this mad?" Amber sniffed as she reluctantly pulled away "who would of thought this would be where we meet?"

Eleanor giggled as she wiped away her tears, nodding along as she surveyed the surroundings.

"Definitely mad" she chuckled "but you and George huh? I want to hear more about that?"

"Nooooo" Amber cooed, quickly shaking her head "it's honestly not what you think."

Eleanor crossed her arms in front of her as she raised an eyebrow at her sister, surely she must of been the girl he was talking about?

"I bumped into George in Diagon Alley as I was coming to see you." Amber explained, her sweet harmless smile beaming at Eleanor " I heard you finally opened your shop but when I bumped into George and he told me you were with Fred, we just started hanging out. He didn't even recognise me to be your sister until I finally told him tonight"

Eleanor giggled at Ambers explanation but at the back of her mind she couldn't help but think that if Amber wasn't the one who he was seeing romantically then who was it?
Surely it must of been someone.

"So you're not seeing George ?" Eleanor asked once again, just to get reassurance but her sister shook her head

"Nope! And before you ask, I don't know who he is seeing either."

As annoying at that was, Eleanor didn't understand why George was going to such efforts to hide who he was seeing from the group. Surely it couldn't be that bad, unless he was waiting for the proper time. besides, there was no point in rushing into things.

Shrugging it off, Amber and Eleanor spoke for a little while longer before heading back into the party.
As they entered, they found Fred and George stood together, clapping along to the married couple dancing but as soon as they saw the pair coming in, they slowly came to a stop and moved towards them.

Fred and George had never met Amber properly, she was always at home studying her books or off out adventuring for magical creatures that hardly anybody got to meet her. So Eleanor supposed it was about time she introduced them properly.

"Sorry about that" Eleanor sighed as she clutched onto her sisters arm "we just had to have a chat quickly before we introduced you."

The twins looked at each other confusedly for a moment, exchanging looks before looking back at the sisters.

"Freddie, George. This is my sister Amber." Eleanor said proudly and the sisters beamed simultaneously with their infectious and pretty smiles.

Yours, truly : A Fred and George fanficWhere stories live. Discover now