4:06 - 4:58

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"This is all your fault, Jackson!" I roared and slammed the tray back into sink. This was disgusting.
Percy stopped mopping the cafeteria floor and turned to me.
"My fault? You the one who started it, Jason."Percy said. For some reason Percy never yelled very loud but from the glare on his perfect face Jason could tell that Percy would yell if he wanted to.
"You know, I say that Frank was being a klutz, like normal, Percy was being an antisocial weirdo, as usual, Jason was being a jerky-jock, like always, and I was simply a harmless by stander." The strange kid, Leo Valdez, stated in a far off voice.
"A harmless by stander? More like king of destruction," Frank growled. His "friend" Hazel Levesque was helping him with his chores.
(Piper was "supervising" me with my chores.)
"Delinquents." I heard Annabeth mutter some where to my upper right.
The sound of feet slapping against the floor in the hall suddenly echoed around the room.
A red headed girl poked her head in the room. "Um, have any of you seen a painting about yay big?"
We all shook our heads. Rachel groaned and plopped herself down onto one of the tables that Annabeth had washed.
"So.... How's everybody doing?" Rachel asked. Wrong move.
Rachel looked somewhat fearful.
Annabeth looked like she was getting ready for one of her big speeches.
Leo looked very smug like he had millions of witty insults and was ready to whip one out at any time.
Hazel looked a tiny bit nervous.
Frank looked rather angry.
Percy was tending to his chore while muttering some very colorful words.
Lou Ellen looked completely bored.
I could only imagine what I looked like. I felt angry and-
What the hell? (I'm a bad girl😋) Lou Ellen? When the heck did she get here?!
"When did you get here?!" I asked. She looked up at me from her spot in the corner. "I dunno," she shrugged, "sometimes I sleep here. For fun."
Leo stared at the brunette (I don't really know what she looks like so..) in absolute horror.
"Are you even human?" He asked.
Lou smiled and pulled out a deck if cards. She fanned them out.
"Pick a card! Any card!" She held them out to Leo.
eAfter a few (hundred) times of doing the same trick over and over again Leo looked like he was going to faint from excitement. "I practice magic tricks a lot." Lou explained.
She looked at Jason and started laughing. Why was she laughing? He soon realized that Lou Ellen was laughing at something behind him.
Jason glanced over his should at Annabeth who seemed to be trying to burn holes in Lou Ellen. "You. You're the one with the cheap tricks," she spat emphasizing the "ch" and the "tr".
Lou smirked at Annabeth's comment.
"Well someone's bitter, and all because she just couldn't figure out how I did that one little magic trick." She taunted.
Annabeth narrowed her grey eyes. "Why you little-" The sound of a clap of thunder cut her off. We all look looked at the window only to realize... that there wasn't a window... So we all rushed to the nearest window.
A thick dark blanket of grey covered the sky sending bullets of water lslamming into the ground. Slowly, then paall at once. Every once in a while a flash of lightning would occur, and would get brighter and brighter each time.
We all stared transfixed on the jagged shapes of lightning disappearing and reappearing at random. All of us except Percy.
He was backing away from the storm becoming pale, but not as pale as when we were forced to call our parents and tell them what happened. Leo noticed Percy to.
"Aw!" He cooed. "Is wittle Pwercy Jackson scared of a wittle dunder storm?"
Percy nodded. "Pwercy is afwaid of a dunder storm." He realized how he talked and cleared his throat a bit. "I mean, yah. Only a small bit." Percy subtlety tugged on the ends of the sleeves on his navy blue sweatshirt.
"Well there is absolutely no reason to be-" One more thunder clap and the whole school resolved into darkness.

Chairette! Hi. Ummmmm I might discontinue this story. I don't really think that it will be that interesting so... And I'm having a hard time trying to decide on who will be the murderer. But if you Chippies think that I should continue the story then please leave a comment and also leave one if you have any ideas for this story.... And yah.

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