Prologue part 1

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Edit: If you're reading this later than July 2022 I have updated it some and for those who read it before it might be worth re-reading and noting the conversations because they play a part later on. I will also edit the part after this one a little so look out for that too.

The rain on Coruscant was terrible, the thunder could be heard all the way to the messhall in the sub-basement of the temple. Ahsoka took her coat over her head and ran out the gates to the gunship waiting for her outside. The cold water got under her clothes and she was shaking by the time she got to the cruiser howering a couple hundred meters above the capital planet. Somebody passed her a cup of hot chocolate and put a blanket over her shoulders while she walked across the hangar. There was a disturbing feeling aboard Resolute, like if everyone was holding their breath waiting for the storm outside to calm. The people she passed were all carrying plaids of different kinds and had themselfes wraped up in warm clothes with several layers.

As she stepped into the corridor the deafening sound finally fell silent and the peaceful minds on the ship spread their heat. Troopers hurried in all directions preparing for the night. Anakin had suggested the sleepover to gather the troops together after the Umbara mission. Ahsoka had only read the reports but what Krell put them through seemed nightmareish. It had been the biggest loss of the 501st yet, with near half of the ground battalion that had been present dead or harmed in some way. The ones left were scarred and only the shells left of who they used to be, so they were all exited for a night with something positive and everyone did their part. The arrivall of the shinies that eventually would replace the lost soldiers had been delayed by their request, they could not take them in before they had had a chance to recover and heal with the survivors, best they could.

But, the ship was only so large, so they prioritized their closest groups and those that had been the most affected. The medics needed to help with those still injured, what was left of the battalion, Jesse and Fives, some higher-ups from other parts of the legion as well as anyone that had played part in the air combat over the planet was present. Most legions dealt with their losses other ways, but this was how the 501st did it. Obi-Wan and Cody with their companies, for example, took a well-earnt 'vacation'(meaning they took a humanitarian mission to a sunny planet with hard labor for a few weeks). Ahsoka would never get it, but you do you Obi-Wan.

 Two troopers hurried out of the elevator as Ahsoka approached, laughing and smiling when the doors opened. From the mess', Ahsoka concluded, because in their hands were atleast a dussin snacks bags each.

They saw her after a few seconds. "Commander." They fell silent and greeted her by nodding since their hands were full. She simply smiled back and continued walking into the elevator. She heard their laughs echo through the corridors again when it shut behind her.

Ten levels up the it went before stopping at the bridge. Ahsoka took a small sip out of the hot chocolate as she searched for Anakin with her eyes, but it was empty. Exept for Rex. She missed him at first as he stood in the corner, probably going over some of the reports again.

"You know Anakin said he could fix those for you." He jerked at the sound and turned around, his eyes wide as if he was scared. He calmed a bit when he saw it was her and put down the blue datapad onto the holotable on his left.

"Commander, I-I didn't hear you comming." He stuttered and looked nervously at her. Ahsoka walked up to him and layed her hand carefully on his shoulder. His eyes wandered up from the floor to her hand, then her wrist, elbow, shoulder, neck, and eventually her face. She could see something was on his mind.

"Don't worry 'bout it... Is everything ok? You look, well, sad." 

He glanced at her and there was definently sorrow present in his eyes. "I'm fine Commander. Really, don't worry about it." He shook her hand of his shoulder and tried to act fine. Ahsoka had never seen him like that. He always was strong and fought through everything without a flinch. She didn't know how to react or what to do when he wasn't feeling as well. Sure, he had been sad before, but never had he been on his toes like that. Never had his force signature been that heavy with emotions.

Ahsoka and Rex - I want to go far away and never come backHikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin