Dealing With Tsundere Fox-Chan PT-1

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//author note//
Inner Echo
Time skips.Time

//From now on I shall primarily refer to the characters by their new names rather than their names from their last lives.//

October 9th, the day before Kurama attacks

///Momo POV//

I lay down in my crib, contemplating my many choices. I'd decided not to interfere in this despite my wish to. If I did then many events would never happen and I would no longer be able to enact many of the plans which I had made over my lifetime.

I had decided that, though I wanted Naruto to know his parents, it would be for the best that I hold off on it. Moreover I doubted I had the ability to completely prevent the events especially as I would likely be unable to kill anyone, even those who would help end the world.

The exceptions so far?
Gato, Zetsu and (quite obviously) Kaguya Ōtsutsuki, the main antagonist.

So far you only have three people on your kill list.

What about Danzo?

✨T O R T U R E✨ him.

...didn't expect anything less of you.

Gotta admit I didn't take you for that kind of person.

I'm a bit of a sadist with limited morals. He deserves to suffer. To be honest I would love to drop kick him off a cliff but I can't be asked to waste my energy on that waste of space.

You really don't like Danzo, huh?

Are you saying you do Echo?

Aw H3LL Naw!


So your plan for the Kurama thing is just to do nothing?

I don't want to be kidnapped by Danzo because I have 'potential', I don't want people to call me a prodigy because let's face it their lives are horrific and I most definitely don't want to screw up the whole timeline or I won't have a chance to eliminate Black Zetsu and Kaguya one and for all.

Yeah, I guess. But still, can't you do something?!

I think you're mistaking me for someone who wants to play hero, or to save the world or something.

That's basically what you're doing though.

I'm not an objectively nice person. Yes, I may save the world, but it's mostly for my own gain. I don't want to deal with Kaguya but I don't want my friends to even more so. If it means my friends will be ok and I don't have to fight anymore after it then I will eliminate her.

So what you're saying is you're not nice despite the fact that you're doing this all for your friends.


I call bs

Why did I create you- or more accurately why would I ever give you sentience?

Because you thought I would be a carbon copy of you. Rational, way to attached to certain people, pessimistic...

I'm not a pessimist. I'm a realist. Moreover you're highly naive. I did realise there were risks, I was merely hoping that you would at least keep some of my preferred traits.

Yeah, no. You finish your fluffy fox apocalypse planning. I'll go eat mochi and dango in your mindscape.

Are you attempting to anger me? You know for a fact I love mochi and dango and yet am not allowed to eat them due to my age.

Yes... these are sooo good! Byeeeee

And this is why I want to remove Echo. But I can't because I don't have the heart to...

Back to the fox-pocalypse planning, prepping and surviving!

Mental List:

DO NOT intervene unless my life or a friends life is at risk.

DO NOT prevent the attack

DO NOT kill Obito. We may be able to tric— I mean convince him to come back to Konoha!

DO survive. I'm not about to die yet

DO stop my family dying. They didn't in the original time line. They're not going to die now.

DO keep an eye out for Kakashi. Or, more accurately, his mental state. He needs it.

DO attempt to make some form of bond between myself and the Tsundere Fluffball Kurama. May be difficult but I will see if I can stop him being controlled should WCS (worst case scenario) occur.

I quickly used telekinesis to create some seals (I may or may not have stolen/borrowed some books on fuinjutsu as well as a couple of lord 4th's flying thunder god kunai.)

You do realise that's robbery, right Momo?

No, I will give them back... just after a decade or so.

You haven't even looked at the seals yet! You just buried them in the middle of nowhere.

And I will study them as soon as I get enough of an idea of how to use them.

Kk... not a bad plan. But you should at least try to save them!

I can't. Not without risking the world later. Might as well kill Kaguya and get it over with in my time. Also, I must meet Orochimaru. I can't do that if I die.


Mitsuki would make a good student should I ever choose to teach someone.

Damn, you're an asexual nerd 😂


Wait, seriously?




Most relationships will affect the plot.

Gaara? Anyone who's life you save?

...maybe. It depends.

So who will you save over the years?

As many people as possible. So long as they don't interfere with the whole storyline:

So maybe the Akatsuki, Haku, Zabuza...and probably quite a few other extras.

Bakugo much?


//Should I make a poll for who Momo ends up with? (She's finally accepted the new name)//

///3rd POV///

Little Momo sat in the middle of her room

//in this fanfic there are a couple of differences to the main plot, one being that Sakura and Momo's parents are comfortably wealthy so each child has their room//

She was doing 'finger painting' or, more accurately, writing the finishing touches on one of her seals. She was not going to die anytime soon.

To be continued...

I don't own Naruto or other anime's and music they belong to... whoever it was that made them

I do own Dakota, Angelo and Nyx

I own the storyline (non canon parts)

1030 words

Reborn In Naruto as a HarunoOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz