A Summary Of The Plot So Far:

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So.... I decided to do a sort of timeline to give an overview of all the stuff that's gone down so far. This is to help me with my lack of memory, as well as give you guys an idea of how spread out events are.

So here you guys are! The briefest summary I could possibly give :P

Enjoy, and have a good day ~ Author-Chan

13th March,Y1:
'Momo' (Nyx) is born prematurely. Needs to be in sort of coma thing.
28th March, Y1:
Momo out of coma, Sakura born.
28th April, Y1:
Beg Chp.2.
29th April,Y1:
Birth of Kiyoshi/Dakota. Adopted by Chiyo.
22nd July, Y1:
Beg Chp 3, Nyx in hospital due to poor health.
23rd July, Y1:
Sora and Sasuke born, the brother complex begins.
2nd August, Y1:
Chp 5, Nyx plans for Kyuubi attack,poison got nothing on Kiyoshi.
9th October, Y1:
Chp 6, Nyx contemplates life choices, finished seals.
10th October, Y1:
Chp 7, Kurama throws a hissy fit.
10th October, Y1:
Chp 9, more hissy fits. Handed to Kakashi, meets Gai, first sentence to Kakashi.
11th October, Y1:
Chp 10, they all lived, Nyx's parents plan to move to Kumo.
20th October, Y1:
Chp 11, Relocation to Kumo.
26th October, Y1:
Chp12, Arrived in Kumo, meets Killer B! The rapping shinobi!

29th April, Y2:
Chp 15, Nyx added to Gamer party, Kiyoshi's birthday party.
26th October Y1 - 4th September Y7:
Chp 16, The friendship highlights! B and Nyx.
15th July, Y2:
Chp 17, they travel to Konoha.
20th July, Y2:
Chp 18, Nyx arrives in Konoha.
23rd July, Y2:
Chp 20, Sasuke and Sora Bday
24th July, Y2:
Chp 21, Nyx and Sora meet again
30th July, Y2:
Chp 22, Nyx meets Neji
27th December, Y2:
Chp 23, Hyuuga affair
28th December, Y2:
Chp 25, Results of Hyuuga affair
Chp 26, announced moving to Suna
30th December, Y2:
Chp 26 still, telling friends she's going to Suna.

3rd January, Y3:
Chp 26, Leaving Konoha
7th January, Y3:
Chp 26, arriving in Suna
Chp 27, Kiyoshi sees Nyx, is added to Gamer chat
10th January, Y3:
Chp 28, wandering Suna, Nyx first meets Gaara
Chp 29, the two play together
17th April, Y3:
Chp 29, Gaara and Sakura are introduced
Chp 30, Sakura and Gaara aren't getting along, Sakura meets Kiyoshi
25th July, Y3:
Chp 31, meeting Deidara, holiday in Iwa
1st August, Y3:
Chp 32, Nyx chilling with deidara, Kiyoshi shadow clones takeover
21st August, Y3:
Chp 32, leaving Iwa

25th December, Y3:
Sort of canon Chp 33, THE CHRISTMAS EPISODE equivalent 💀

19th December, Y4:
Part 34, Gaara's birthday
13th March, Y4:
Part 35, they get their (totally not copied from their last lives) books on sale, Nyx's birthday, Nyx gets her mind blown by how much work Echo has to do, Nyx falls unconscious...

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