,, - i will protect you ; albedo

Start from the beginning

"raise your hands slowly."

"don't explode anything."


"thats right."

these were the normal things you would hear, and you were upset that he wasn't conversing with you the way you liked people did. you understood he wasn't quite human, but you just wished that he could speak to you like how a normal human being could even if that request sounded selfish.

it was like talking to a brick wall... he never really took notice of what you were saying, and since you knew you were boring him, you stopped trying to talk.

"focus, y/n." he said as he continued to mix chemicals and drop a few sharp horns into his pot.

there it was again; the same thing he would always say. you sighed and curled your legs up to your chest, hugging your knees as you laid your chin on your knees, just watching his handiwork as he mixed and matched potion colours, creating something beautiful.

soon, your dark eyes turned light; the pretty purple flames came in contact with your skin and suddenly nothing mattered. it was like you were in a dark vortex, and the smoke was your only friend. too blanketed by the feeling of loneliness and emotion, you started to dance around the purple smoke.

the smoke slowly turned into the shape of a young human being; no features, no face- just a body. you danced around it as it danced around you, and in the distance, you could hear the faint cries of wolves; or so you thought were wolves.

this moment was more beautiful than anything, and your mind started to cloud with emotion; anger and dissapointment towards albedo, who has never spoken more than a few words to you in the past two years. two years worth of anger bubbled inside, and the purple smoke took your hand, the soft smoke grazing your skin.


you heard a hazy voice call you, and all of a sudden, your gaze turned dark once again. you blinked away the smoke in your eyes and realised where you were; on top of the fountain down in mondstadt's heart.

you blinked in confusion as you looked around, noticing the effects of your absent magic on the town; some of the buildings were slightly burnt, and some of the citizens were on the ground, injured or scared. you furrowed your brows once you noticed jean and albedo running up to you.

"god y/n, are you okay?" jean asked as she jumped into the fountain to carry you down. you were light enough to be carried by her and back into albedo's arms as he gave you hug, making you confused.

"thank goodness you're safe.." albedo muttered as he pressed you close to his chest. you confusedly hugged him back, trying your best to understand why he was acting why he was.

later on, jean explained to you that albedo's potions exploded and it caused a big purple smoke to engulf the whole town- you included. the smoke tried to trick you into dancing until you could inhale enough for it to be lethal, just like it tried to trick everyone.

albedo was worried, but while you were semi-unconscience, you were fighting off the smoke with your own magic. you didn't even know you did, because all you felt was smoke all around, but your catalyst had driven the smoke away in the end, and jean couldn't thank you enough.

"i was worried about you, really i was," albedo told you when he brought you back to his house. he wrapped a bandage around your upper arm as you were slightly scratched.

sitting on the stool and letting him bandage you was really out of character for him, but you didn't mind it. "why should you be worried about me?"

"what are you indicating by that?"

"you don't seem to ever want to speak to me, much less pay any attention to me, so caring about me is something weird."

albedo stopped wrapping the bandages around your arm and finally looked up at you, scanning your eyes to find hints of sadness. he blinked. "i actually do you know, i just didn't want to talk to you too much so you wouldn't get too excited and spiral out of control and hurt yourself."


"jean told me that if you got too happy, or excited for that matter, you would explode, and not in a good way. your body would excrete toxins, it's like a type of poison." he said calmly as he resumed bandaging your arm again. he secured it with a pin and moved it slightly. "looks like your arm is oka-"

you dived into his arms as you hugged him tightly. all this while he was just trying to protect you from harming yourself and others; and not purposely trying to ignore you. he smiled, understanding what you meant by the hug and wrapped his strong arms around your small frame.

"thank you albedo... for two years," you mumbled as you smiled. "it must have been hard to deal with me."

"it was nothing really," he said as he pulled away and placed his hand on your head to stroke you. "you're a good student."

you blushed as he placed his lips on your forehead, kissing you. he pulled away and smiled down at you once again. "now, would you like to call it a day?"

"but this is your house, i can't sleep here... its impolite." you said, poking around your own fingers shyly.

he smiled. "its no big deal, i don't mind it. there's the extra bedroom in the other room close to mine, so if you run into any trouble, please come find me."

you nodded. "mmh, alright albedo, thank you."

he smiled and hugged you again, this time wrapping his arms tightly around you. he found hugging you the most softest thing he could ever do, and he loved doing it to you as much as you did him. wrapping your arms around his neck, you buried your face into his neck.

"goodnight, my dear y/n." he said, once again kissing you on top of your head.

神. ❛ 𝐠𝐞𝐧𝐬𝐡𝐢𝐧 𝐢𝐦𝐚𝐠𝐢𝐧𝐞𝐬 𝐈Where stories live. Discover now