Chapter 14; Karma

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Dream survived, and he had to deal with the consequences of having to planning George's funeral. He wanted to be strong for George he knew he would have wanted him to stay.

"You've had me waiting and sitting here for almost 30 minutes and i look like i got stood up on some kind of high school date" George said while rolling his eyes and leaning back on the chair.

He was constantly getting flashbacks and he had broken many bones but it had already been a few months, nothing could get George out of his head.
And now the worst part was planning the funeral. Having to go threw all the trouble of it, and the fact that George's own mother didn't show up, made Dream infuriated with her and George's whole family none of them showed up. Not one of them.

"No. Just carry meee" George whined and Dream rolled his eyes walking down the hill and picking up George "What the hell are you doing?" George exclaimed before dream could pick him up

"Carrying you dummy" Dream fully picked up George walking up the hill.

And just like that the phone rang, of course his mother. Who didn't even show up to the funeral, and maybe it was Dreams fault, maybe the family was scared.

"That isn't an excuse."
"Now you wanna step in? He is dead now, DEAD. Buried six Feet under. AND YOU DIDNT SHOW UP!"
"I will hold the grudge."
Dream sighed "Forever."

Before any response Dream hung up the phone and decided he'd go visit George,
In question the few people that did show up to George's funeral where only close friends of George and Sapnap. Dream didn't know most the people but he somewhat remembered the names, Alex, Wilbur, Karl, and there was one more. He was tall and blond but still seemed kinda young Dream didn't bring himself to talk to anyone, not even Nick.

Dream put somewhat nice clothing on, black shirt and Jeans, it was a bit drizzly so he brought an umbrella.

"So is this official?" Dream questioned.
"Is what official?" George said looking up at dream they where sitting on the couch at George's house, cuddling and watching a random movie on one of the channels.

Dream tried not to think about George much, he knew the reason George was dead. He knew it was his fault. He never forgave himself for that. But he knew if he took his own life then it wouldn't have been what George wanted, and even thought it took away Dreams happiness it wouldn't bother George's. And that was something Dream swore on, he would do anything for George's happiness even if it meant sacrificing his own.

He genuinely tried his best to be strong but it was so, so difficult. Dream found himself in his bathroom crying every single day. He wouldn't talk to anybody or even try and move on it had been months and Dream was still grieving. Of course anyone would for months, but it had been a long time. You would expect someone to move on. Or at least try and talk to friends, but Dream wanted nothing to do with friends or family.
He drove while the little bits of rain splashed onto his car that where then gently wiped to the side of the car with the black soaked window wipers, for all dream could care he could get in a car crash and die.

But he didn't want that. He didn't want everything to end like that he didn't want to give up. Not on himself or George.

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