Chapter 2; Who cares about the stars

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Gunshots, Abuse, Gore

They had finally made it to the park. The park didn't have any playground or anything. It was just a big area with grass and benches, the purpose was probably for picnics but the park was pretty big and towards the end of the park there was a big hill. It was perfect for stargazing because it had a slight curve and was pretty flat at the top.

You could see all the stars in the U.K and that's why Clay loved it.

"George this hill isn't even that high! Just walk up it you big baby" Dream laughed.

"My legs hurt!" George crossed his arms and finally started walking up the hill and stopped half way. The hill isn't very tall. But George still complained. "Dream how about you carry me" Dream stopped and looked behind to make eye contact with George.

Dream chuckled "I'm not carrying you crazy just walk!"

"No. Just carry meee" George whined and Dream rolled his eyes walking down the hill and picking up George "What the hell are you doing?" George exclaimed before dream could pick him up

"Carrying you dummy" Dream fully picked up George walking up the hill when a younger man screamed

"You seeing these gay fuckers?" The younger man shouted pointing at Dream and George and all his friends laughing at what was meant to be an insult.

new victim on the list.

Dream ignored it and walked up the hill and it genuinely wasn't big it was only a bit steep and there would always be a pain to your legs if you walked up the short but steep hill. Finally at the top of the hill dream layed down looking up at the sky, George wouldn't stop talking about the astrology and the stars and the planets. But Dream didn't care about the stars he only looked at George as he looked up at the sky using his hands to make gestures and point to the different stars.

George caught on the Dreams staring. "What are you looking at Clay." George said while turning over to look at Dream. The two faces now close. The warmth in the area they stood looking at each other for a good few minutes. Dream looked up at the stars but George just kept looking at Dream admiring him. Embracing his beauty.
Dream looked back at George and George leaned in a bit closer. Before he said "I have to use the bathroom Clay, i think there is a bathroom like right over there i'll be right back!" George got up and walked down the hill


It had been awhile since George had came back from the bathroom so dream got up and walked down the hill in the direction George had walked looking for the bathroom which he saw in the distance he ran over in worry

He swore if anyone had even touched George he would beat them until they weren't able to breath.
Dream didn't ever regret his murders or when he would beat someone up so bad they had to get surgery or something. Or even until they died. Or when the guns went off and ended the begging and pleading to be let go.

"...i haven't done anything wrong! p-please s-stop!" Dream ran faster after hearing that, it was clearly George's voice.

It was the same group of people who seemed pretty young but not 16 young maybe 19 or 20. Dream ran as fast as he could having to watch them beat George all 3 of them kicking him. He ran and punched the boy in the face. "GET THE FUCK AWAY FROM HIM." They all turned to Dream

"Aw lover boy is defending his little boyfriend-"
Dream pushed him onto the floor and kicked him like they kicked George.

They where sure to be dead by the next week. Every. Single. One.

George was on the floor crying, when all the people ran off after dream had kicked or punched them once or twice. He fell to the floor hugging George "I'm so sorry George i should have.. I should have came and checked on you sooner i should have known nobody takes that long in the bathroom. George i'm so sorry this is all my fault."

"Clay, don't blame yourself. They where just being mean and you didn't know they would come and do that to me."

"I didn't mean it! I didn't mean to hurt him i'm sorry i'm sorry!! Let me go please!" The boy begged
"I hate it when people beg. Jesus christ i'm not letting you live, what is the point." Dream played with the gun in his hand doing little tricks with it spinning it around with his fingers.
"i'll do anything! ANYTHING! Please!" He continued to beg which made Dream want to shoot him even more.
"Didn't i just ask for you to stop begging god dammit. I'm. Not. Letting you go so quit the act."
Silence. That all there was was silence
he smiled. A grin, but he wasn't able to see since he his new mask on, with the same smiley face.
"Anyways let's get this over with, last words or like i don't know, like um anymore begging you wanna do? Just hurry up i don't have all day."

"Ok.. i really didn't mean any harm to that guy i'm sorry i would never ever hurt him! He is so amazing and.. and great and amazing and-"
The gun went off with a flash of light and the end of the boys life. Dream grabbed the gun slickly putting it in his pockets and simply walking away.
"I know George but i still blame myself. And..and i'm so so sorry." A tear fell from Dreams eye

"Clay please don't cry, please don't blame yourself!" George pledged for Clay to stop crying, "I love you Clay." George leaned into Dream connecting there lips warmth all around it felt so short but the time was savored by both. Dream grabbed George by his waist pulling him closer.
Dream pulled away. "I love you more George. I would kill to make sure you are happy,"

Dream would kill. To make sure George was happy. He did kill, in sake of George's happiness. Wether it was something that happened 5 years ago or when George was 13. If you hurt George Henry Davidson you where sure to be

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Authors note;
Hi! So I just wanted to Clarify if you are reading this and have any triggers to abuse, Gore, Gunshots. Or pets names I advise you do not or be careful reading the next chapters or just the book in general! I just wanna make sure everyone is safe.
Thank you for 2 Reads! :)

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