Chapter 3; Pandas

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"So is this official?" Dream questioned.
"Is what official?" George said looking up at dream they where sitting on the couch at George's house, cuddling and watching a random movie on one of the channels.

Dream looked at George making eye contact, "You know George, like us, uh.. like i don't are you my boyfriend now?" Dream stopped "I don't know i'm just kinda confused gogs"

George looked back at the tv "I say we don't put a label on us dreamy. Just do what you want with our relationship and whatever happens happens" Dream nodded, he pecked George's forehead with a kiss and then hugged him and pulled him closer,


Dream was aware George was bullied when he was younger he always talked about it. Dream had the idea if he could take a quick look at George's year book he get revenge on every single one of the people who did what they did to a George. "George could i see your yearbook? I wanna see what you looked like in high school!"
George whined and looked up at the celling
"I wasn't very pretty in high school dream but if you say so" He shrugged. "But dream you HAVE to let me see your high school pictures"

Dream rolled his eyes and pretended he needed time to think but he knew his answer. "I guess" Dream said.

Clay knew he was very attractive threw high school, he was pretty popular. And trust me all the girls wanted Clay, He hadn't had his nickname yet. But he only hung out with a few people, Jared, And nick they where pretty popular as well once again all the girls wanted jared or nick, and they where interested in the girls. But Clay wasn't. He wasn't even interested in the boys at his schools he just wasn't interested in anything, or anyone. Dream had feelings and even though it seems like every murder or beating he has done there are no feelings, he would just never care because they hurt someone that made him happy when no one else did.

The reason Dream was so obsessed with George was because he was his happiness, The only thing that kept Clay going, after everything that he's been threw, and surely he wasn't going to let anyone take away George's happiness even if it took away Clays happiness he didn't care.
They had met at a cafe.


"I'll Just take one, um iced coffee?" Dream said.

"Do you live in the U.K sir? You accent, it kinda amazes me." The barista said.
The barista was George,

"Just here for vacation, i appreciate how my accent amazes you george" Clay said looking at George
"What how do you know my name?" George asked, dream pointed at his shirt that had the letters sewed onto the shirt that said George H. "Oh right.." Dream laughed a little bit

George walked off in embarrassment and Clay waited for his iced coffee. Clay already knew George was very attractive but he was nothing but a barista and how would he even become that close with a barista at a coffee shop.

George came back with the iced coffee with the name 'The dream' on it dream looked at the coffee and saw the name "The dream?" He laughed looking at George
"You like the ideal 'dream guy' of every high school it was only fitting," George explained why he had put that name on the coffee cup
"You seem cool gogs we should hang out sometime, oh! that one aquarium right down the street meet me there tomorrow at.. three pm! Okay?" George nodded his head and then took a moment to realize he had just called him gogs
"What kind of name is 'gogs' Dream" Dream raised an eyebrow,
"So you are gonna call me Dream now?"
"You are the one already giving nicknames,"
Dream rolled his eyes sarcastically, "You put 'The dream' on my coffee cup, come on now"
George crossed his arms and looked at clay, "Fair enough,"


"George, remember when we met, at the coffee place you used to work at?" George nodded his head and looked up at Dream

"Yeah of course i do that was one of the best days in my life dream." George said cutting off the eye contact and laying his head on dreams chest.
"Best?" Dream said looking at George.
"Best." George kissed dreams cheek and then laid his head back to rest on dreams chest.

Dream got up and George gave him a funny look, kinda of like he was mad but not really just mad because he was cuddling and dream randomly got up. "Alright lets look at your year book. Yeah?" Dream exclaimed.
George got up and walked to his room, and grabbed a basket in his closet. "You can pick which year you wanna look at i don't mind dreamy" Dream looked threw the books and grabbed the first one he saw, 'Cannon high' He flipped threw the pages with George looking for his class and finally found the page. "Jesus you are gorgeous George." Dream said keeping his eyes on the book.

"Is this that one guy you told me used to bully you a lot?" He pointed at the name and picture 'Micheal C. Anthony' George nodded his head.
"Used to mess me up really bad, but now i have you and i don't care who beats me up because i wake up and you are right next to me."
Dream put the book away. and have the basket to George in which he had put in the same place it came from in his closet.

'incoming call pandas'
"Someone is calling you Clay!!" George shouted from the room Clay was in the kitchen. "Who!?" he shouted back.
"Uhh..Pandas?"'George said Clay was almost shocked and ran his way to the room.

i miss you Clay
Read: 5:36
"Clay, who is pandas?" George said in concern
"An old friend, well best friend but he moved to Texas we haven't talked in awhile you know?"
Dream grabbed his phone and texted 'Pandas' back
I'm coming to florida for family Clay! I wanna meet up because it's been awhile maybe we can also get in contact with jarred.
Nick i live in the U.K now.. and jarred, i haven't talked to him since senior year.
The U.K? Why the U.K?
I live out here with my boyfriend, we don't live in the same house but i moved here for him and it's just a nicer area.
BOYFRIEND!? I mean i knew you were bi but holy crap i need to meet him! Tell me more!
yeah, yeah but you have to come to the U.K i'm not in Florida anymore Pandas.
what!? that was quick. When are you coming?
Mm 2 weeks from now
Okay I have to go. i'll see you soon byee

"George if you don't mind the pandas guy is coming over in 2 weeks, he just bought a ticket but i just wanted to tell you" Dream said while hugging George from behind "I told him you're my boyfriend" He smiled
"This is the one thing i'll put a label on Clay. And it's that i love you and you are the best boyfriend."


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