Chapter 4; Toxic

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"I love you so much George." Dream said
and george looked back at him
"Certainly, but i love you more Clay."
That was false. George wouldn't kill for Clay, George wouldn't do the things Dream did for him, he was clueless and didn't know how much dream really did care about him.

Micheal was a familiar name to Dream he actually knew a Michael in grade school who was also a bitch, and bullied him. But it was grade school he was weak and skinny.
TW//: ED
Clay, had an eating disorder in grade school. Not because he thought he was overweight or anything he just didn't want to eat he was always stressed, and annoyed even in grade school. Some people hate high school but for Dream it was the best years ever

Dream never had to be home anymore, his mom wasn't a bad mom or anything. She was just really strict, and it wasn't always about grades either.

"Clay, why are you giving me such a hard time right now!" She shouted

"Mom i'm not i'm trying to fix this okay, i'm sorry. You said could drive i didn't know this wouldn't happen!"

"You are just always always ruining everything Clay Mathews. When your father hears about this you will be grounded in that room for weeks" She sighed "And jesus don't even ask about food it's not like you have ever eaten anyways."

He was very insecure about his weight in high school whether it was being to skinny or fat.

"Mom.." he said under his breath holding back tears.
She didn't replay and simply walked away. Clay never had a good relationship with his mom.

TW//: Mention of abuse

"I made this great food and you never eat!"

I mean his mom wasn't necessarily a bad parent, they never abused him or told him anything that bad. They where more of manipulative parents. Which is still pretty bad but not as bad as abuse or anything

"Clay Mathews. Do you hate me or something?" She sighed "Do you hate me?"

Clay bit his lip and trying to hold back a sob "Mom no i love you-"

"than eat the food i cooked!" She shouted

"Mom i'm not hungry."

She turned around and walked to the living room "you never are.."


He scanned the apartment numbers looking for apartment 28.
Three knocks raining down on Micheals door,
"hm, who is it?" The supposed voice of Michael asked.
"Ups!" Dream said with the mask on.
Micheal began to open the door. "I don't recall ordering anything.."
The door opened.

"Listen Michelle. Micheal or whatever your name is. You went to Cannon high did you not?"
Dream learned to play and fidget around with knifes and guns over time, and do little tricks
" i uh, yeah, uh, yea i went to, i went to cannon high. yeah" He sweated a stuttered, scared for his life.
"You know George, Davidson right?"
The man gulped
"Of course, yeah yeah i knew him, very, well"
Dream shook his head and held the knife steady.
"You hurt George, you made his high school experience shit, and now look at you Micheal, leaving in a shitty apartment, and your life about to be taken." Dream chuckled "i'd be doing you a favor"
The man shook his head
"Listen, please i'll do anything. anything!"
"I'll give him anything he needs! You and him please don't do this to me"
Dream shuffled the knife in his hands
"You hurt george, you hurt him and now i have to hurt you. You and all your stupid little jock friends."
One. Two. Three stabs with the small knife. The size of a hand.
The screams. Oh well, he had hurt george
Dream walked over to his car driving back to George's house.

George rolled his eyes. "Dream let me cook, Just once okay?" George pleaded

"Well you aren't bad cook george i just insist you go and rest and i'll make us food."

George grabbed vegetables like carrots and broccoli out of the fridge.

"Come on Dream, stop babying me. Let me just cook for you, please"

Dream walked into the living room. "Okay fine, please don't hurt yourself George."

(708 words)

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