Chapter 5; No handle

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"Dreaaaaam!" George shouted

"Yeah George?"

"Could you come start boiling some water please!"

Dream got up "Of course baby."

George turned a bright pink. "Using pet names now are we?"

"You love it," He chuckled

George looked at dream while cutting a few carrots. "I do,"
While cutting the carrots the knife fell of the side,
Dream looked over to see George attempting to grab the falling knife,
From lots tricks with knifes and messing around with them dream learned the hard way, a falling knife has no handle.

George grabbed the knife cutting his hand, the grasp was firm and hard therefore the cut was deep, blood everywhere,

Dream had never panicked more. "GEORGE!"
George's scream terrified Dream, he knew if he was quick enough nothing to serious would happen but panic got to him.
"Clay! CLAY! PLEASE! IT HURTS CLAY," He sobbed "CLAY!"
Dream grabbed a towel rapping it around George's hand as quick as possible then following along to call 911
"M-M-My b-boyfriend, He cut..He cut his hand r-really bad," george Screamed
"CLAY TELL THEM HURRY" He cried even harder
George usually overreacted but the grasp was firm, the knife was sharp
Dream help George grasping his hand as George sobbed
"George please calm down, it's easier to stay calm okay i'm here"
George began breathing in and out trying to calm down when the sirens where heard from down the street, George got up and clay held his hand
"Sir your gonna need to leave" The man said
"Leave!? Leave?! My boyfriend is clearly in pain Jesus christ j-just go!"

"The man is over the age 1&, you can drive in your own car, out."

"I'll be there i promise George okay," Dream walked to his car.
He tried to start the car, but it wouldn't star.
"fuck fuck fuck." Clay tried to start the car again
"Fuck, just start come on!" After 10 minutes the car finally started up, Clay passed the speed limit but he didn't care he needed to be there with george
"H-Hi uh i'm here for George" Dream said rocking back and forth
"Hi full name?"

"George Henry Davidson."

"Room 404"

Clay sighed "Thank you so much."
He rushed to the elevator and then proceeded to hit the 4 and then look for room 404, "402..403..And 404!" Dream opened the door and say George laying down with tears still in his eyes,

"I'm so sorry, my car wouldn't start George"

George looked up at dream "That's okay Clay don't beat yourself up i'm fine."

"Okay, okay. Did they do anything to the hand yet are they coming? You need stitches where are they!"

George grabbed Dreams Shoulder "Baby in fine, they'll be here in one second okay. I'm fine right now i'm sure they will be here soon."

Dream grasped his own hair "No, george they need to hurry!" Dream walked around the room at sat down on a chair "George are you okay? Are you hungry? Thirsty, is there anything at all i can do for you? Anything?"

"You know what you can do is stop pancaking look i'm right here and i'm fine." George exclaimed

A few moments after the doctor came in with needles, shots, all sorts of stuff.
George was scared of needles and shots but he tried his best to stay calm,
Dream knew this so he wanted to ask the doctor if he could stay.
"Could i stay in the room? Please?" Dream asked the doctor.
"Are family?" The doctor replied
"No, but i'm his boyfriend."
The doctor turned around. "You can wait outside for him sir,"
Dream tensed his hands,
"Clay, please calm down just wait outside babe, i'll be done in a second okay. Nothing bad will happen"
Dream nodded and walked outside,
Waiting, for hours it seemed but the surgery itself didn't take long,
Dream began to blame himself
'if i would have just cooked or helped him cut the carrots' maybe then he wouldn't be in this doctors office getting stitches,
Dream peeked threw the little window and say George in operation. It hurt him so bad to see him like that. So bad.

'incoming call Pandas'
Dream answered the phone,

"Hey Nick," Clay said

Nick sighed "What happened now clay,"
took a moment for nick to respond but then he's gasped "Did something happen with your boyfriend? Did you guys break up!? i didn't even get to meet him,"
"Well he was probably a dickhead if he broke up with you!"

Dream tilted his head back, "No, Pandas he just hurt himself really bad, he dropped a knife and tried to grab and gripped the knife not the handle"

Nick scuffed "Well yeah a falling knife has no handle"

Dreams sighed "I learned that the hard way"
"Anyways Nick i think i'm gonna go, your coming in about a week right?"

"Yeah, i hope your boyfriend feels better sorry that happened Dream."

"Dream? Where did you get that from." Dream replied in slight shock

"What do you mean, is that not what George calls you?" Nick replied

Dream looked in the slight room window George still in operation "Well yeah, but who told you?"

"George told me, he gave me his phone number so we could talk more, he wanted to be friends when i called you and he answered and then just like yesterday he told me how you guys met and the nickname he gave you," Hd chuckled
"Which is pretty ironic because you where the 'Dream' high school boy or whatever"

Dream shrugged "I guess, alright bye nick i'll talk to you later!"

"Bye dreamy!" They hung up,

Dream peeked threw the window again, and though he should knock on the door and ask if could come in, he did. He asked. And they denied him so he went and sat back down when a woman approached him.

(1009 words)

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