Chapter 11; Revists

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Dream was now in a depressive state, he never got out of bed, never ate. none of that.
"Dream..? hungry? i'll make anything."
"Spaghetti..?" Dream asked
"Of course!" George walked over to the kitchen he blamed everything in himself, he blamed the fact that dream was in depressive state was his fault, but he tried not to show Dream how much he was hurting as well their relationship was going down the heal, maybe it was just never meant to be.
Ever since Dream got out the hospital, every single day they argued. Up until these 3 Recent days, it was just sad. For the both of them
Dream finally came out the room

"Dream! i'm so proud you got up and decided to come sit down!" George smiled. Dream smiled back. "I wanna watch you cook, i think you look cute all concentrated."
George slightly blushed
"Oh come one, you still get all red when i compliment you" Dream giggled
George rolled his eyes "Why is that George?" Dream asked
"Nothing big you are just an amazing person to be around, and i love you." George replied
"I love you too George." Dream walked over to George kissing his cheek.

Dream was now eating but only took a few bites before he walked away.
"Dream your not gonna finish your food?"
Dream shook his head "full."
George was a bit confused since he did only take a few bites 2 maybe 4 at most. "Dream you took like 4 bites.. oh dream-" George new about the eating disorder Dream had and he didn't struggle with it anymore but i guess going into a depressive state and not eating for days he just got back into the bad habit. "Dream.. please eat." Dream turned around walking back over to the table
"okay.. i guess i could eat more." George nodded his head but dream didn't really eat he just kinda fidgeted with his food and then every here and there took a very small bite until he was halfway done
"Dream if you are full you don't need to eat more. i don't wanna pressure you."
Dream got up "No it's not pressuring! Don't worry George, but i was thinking we got out today! To the aquarium where basically everything started. Even though technically it would be a cafe but the cafe is boring!"
George giggled "Okay whatever you say Dream"

"Sir it is 3:30 what took you so long?" Dream asked
"My car wasn't starting sorry!" That wasn't true George put in lots of thinking into his outfit and what he would say, he found dream really attractive. He almost came to an aquarium with a suit on.
"Mk.. let's go see the fishy's! Gogs!" Dream grabbed George's hand "So what even is your name 'Dream'?"
George still didn't know Dreams name and he kinda just called him the nickname he gave him. That was sorta a thing George did was nicknames he gave to almost everyone he met, if you where George's friend you where sure to have some sort of nickname and he'd probably call you the nickname more than he called you by your actual name
"Well my actual name is Clay, but i like the name Dream! I guess it does suit me" George nodded his head they ended up going to look at all the small little fishes
Dream pointed at a small blue fish "This fish reminds me of you George." George raised an eyebrow "Whys that?" George questioned
"It's shy, and small, and cute!" George now bright pink.
"S-so you think i'm cute..?"
Dream was quick to try and save himself he did think George was cute "I was just pointing out the features of the fish! Calm down silly" George rolled his eyes.

"We are hereeee" They got out the car walked inside and went to the same fish tank where Dream had first called George cute.
They didn't talk much they just kinda walked around holding hands and hugging eachother it was cute to revisit the place and now they where togther and they where happy. Sure times had been better, but dream and George couldn't ask for more now that they had. eachother was all they needed.

(710 words)

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