Figuring Out Johnny

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"Mrs. Lawrence, I think I saw something in the upstairs window I just wanted to make sure everything was fine." I said trying to look if anyone was coming down the grand staircase.

"Oh what ever did you see dear?" Mrs. Lawrence said with a soft smile.

"It looked like Johnny got hit and I didn't see by who, but it looked like a man and it was pretty bad." As I said this Mrs. Lawrence's smile faded.

"Oh dear, well you must have saw wrong, no one is home but me and Johnny, good-bye y/n." She said closing the door on me.

"Wait Mrs.- Lawrence... and she's gone." I backed up into the street to see if I could see any better, I don't care what Mrs. Lawrence said I saw something and I needed to figure out if Johnny was alright.


After being unsuccessful I went back to my house for the night, tomorrow was the first day of school I needed my rest.

"Mom, Dad I'm home." I said walking in the front door.

"Y/n! What took you so long." My dad was sitting in the grand hall reading a news paper.

"Sorry Dad, Susan needed to stop for gas."

"What kind of excuse is that?"

"What do you mean I'm not lying."

"I heard Susan dropping you off thirty minutes ago, where were you in that time?" He said getting up, setting the news paper down, and walking my direction.


"Mrs. Lawrence was out I just talked to her for a minute."

"It's twelve in the night, why would Mrs. Lawrence be out so late."

"I don't know Dad why don't you ask her that."

"Young lady stop lying to me!" He said sternly grabbing my wrist as I tried to go upstairs.

"I'm not lying, let go of me I'm tried, I want to go up to bed."

Dad let go of me and I started to go up until I heard, "Lie to me again and you won't be sleeping for weeks."

I rushed up stairs pretending like I didn't hear. When I got up to my room I quickly ran to the window directly facing Johnny's window. I don't know why I cared so much if he was okay or not I just figured if I could help something I would at least try.

I saw the light had been turned off in his room but in his parents room I saw the outline of two people a woman and a man. Why did Mrs. Lawrence lie to me her husband is obviously home, what was she trying to hide?


The next morning after breakfast I walked to school with my new Ralph Lauren sweater and loose skirt.

When I got to school I saw Ali and Daniel talking outside the senior lockers.

"Hey lovebirds." I said walking up to them.

"Hey y/n, nice sweater." Ali said. "Thanks, last year of high school present from my aunt."

"Do you know any good hangout spots for Daniel to take me out to tonight y/n?"

"Uh Golf and stuff" I said.

"Of course how could I forget, Daniel you're going to love Golf and Stuff..." I didn't hear the last bit of there conversation as Johnny walked in behind me hiding his face in is jacket.

"I'll see you guys in first period, ok?"

"Alright bye y/n." Daniel said as Ali waved good-bye.

"Johnny can we talk for a sec." I said walking up to Johnny's locker.

"Look if this is about the radio I'm sure Ali's daddy will just buy her a new one." He said looking up at me with a black eye.

"Woah, when did that happen? Did you go somewhere after the party?"

"No it was just a bike accident, why do you care anyways Miss 'I couldn't care about your problems'." He said referring to the one time I told him off after a dance he took Ali to.

"Just wondering, anyways I've got to get to class." I said as I walked out.

"Wait," Johnny called grabbing my wrist, I flinched as he grabbed the bruise my dad gave me last night. "What did you want to talk to me about," He said looking down at my wrist, "woah you've got a nasty bruise there."

"Nothing Johnny and yeah it was from a biking accident." I said mimicking his response.

"Ha ha very funny," Johnny said giving me a small smile, "You're alright, y/n. See you around?"

"Yeah, maybe." I said walking into class, Ali was the first one to approach me.

"You've got a big smile on your face, what's up."

"It's nothing," Ali looked at me unconvinced. "I'm serious, am I not allowed to smile?"

"At school? It's not very likely." Ali giggled and went over to her desk, how is she going to react when I tell her I'm falling for her ex?


*ring ring ring*

"Class dismissed don't forget your research paper due on Friday!"

"Ugh! A paper due already, this is the first day," Ali said meeting up with me on our way to our lockers, "by the way, me and Daniel are going to Golf and Stuff tonight and I want you to be there."

"What? Ali don't you think I'll be a bit of a third wheel?"

"I don't mean you have to be with us I just mean near by, just in case something goes wrong I'll have you to escape to." Ali said, "You're okay with that, right?"

"Fine whatever, but you're spending time with me after. I'm going to be alone watching my best friend hook up with a guy."

"Thanks y/n you're the best. See you tonight."

At five Ali called and said Daniel was at her house ready to leave, so I got ready and headed on my way to Golf and Stuff by myself.

When I got there I spotted Ali out of the corner of my eye, she gave me a little wave and turned back around before Daniel could see me there. Great now I've got the whole night by myself.

After awhile of hiding in the eating area I notice Ali and Daniel were out of sight. Things between them seemed to be going pretty well so I decided this was a great time to get out of there.

Before I could leave my table someone came up and sat right across from me.

"Oh hey Johnny you scared me." I said with a little jump.

"Now what's a pretty girl like you doing here all by yourself?"

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