Chapter 108: Peace

Start from the beginning

"You unleashed the beast. I would like to start anew..." Lohke's eyes swiveled up to the soldiers on the walls, poised and ready to attack or defend, "but I feel there is much bad blood between our people. Look at what humans did to Sheobulf, to her children, to her mate. Look at what orcs have done to them."

Erinne looked up at Cold Hammer. He was stoic. They'd both seen the same vision. She didn't know how, but the presence in the blackness, it had reached out and allowed him to see everything she saw of their future. They already knew their children would one day again fight this battle, and they'd been told they would have peace for a time. She wanted to live out the rest of her life in peace.

"Cold Hammer?"

His tongue pushed against his broken off tusk before he looked down at her. His scars were there for all to see what humans had done to him, his shriveled arm dangling. He turned his head towards the elves who lingered nearby, seeking out Alleuess. She dipped her head to him. Erinne understood. Nothing needed to be said.

"Thank you," she told Alleuess before she faced them all, "I have seen some part of the future and I know we cannot achieve another peace treaty in this lifetime. Not one that will hold."

"What do you propose then?"

"A separation," her eyes were fixed on Cold Hammer's now, "Humans agree not to cross the border to orc territory, orcs agree not to cross the border to human territory. We can reestablish the original borders of the treaty with neutral ground between, but we are not ready to live as one." Cold Hammer's mouth opened, but then he closed it and gave her a slight nod. She nodded back to him and reached for his hand. "Let's go tell them."

"But milady," Wren spoke to her back as she walked away. Erinne didn't answer him. She made her way towards the orcs, until, once again, she stood between them. The orcs by the trees, the human soldiers on the walls. This was where she belonged, between orcs and humans. It was where she'd always be.

"Great Chieftain Lohke has said that you wished to hear from me," she called out to the chieftains watching her. "I am Sheobulf of the Direwolf Clan, Sheobulf of the Killerfrost Clan, Lady Erinne of Broc'Tannen, the Warrior of Everfen." She paused, squeezing her mate's hand. His mangled one hung loosely at his side, but he held her confidently. "This is my mate, Cold Hammer of the Killerfrost Clan, Lord Cold Hammer of Broc'Tannen. Together, with humans and orcs, we have lifted King Wren's curse!" The humans broke out in abrupt cheering. When the noise eased, she began again, "Together, with humans and orcs, we have lifted the curse upon the creature as well!" Everyone cheered this time. "We have sacrificed for this, we have saved your lives and that of your families, but it does not change the losses that have happened here, it does not change the hatred that grows between us. Even now I feel it in the air."

Erinne bowed her head. This world was not ready for her and Cold Hammer's love, it was not ready for their children. She lifted her head again, "We propose a mutual truce. All sides will draw their forces back, the borders will remain separated by neutral ground. Perhaps, in time, we can come to an arrangement and have peace once more, but for now, we must separate. We must bury our dead and mourn our losses and prepare for a brighter future."

The chieftains were quiet for a moment, absorbing her words, before one called out, "What of the human king? He has caused much grief."

"Yes, he should pay!"

"We could take them right now! Why should we retreat when we're almost to victory?"

Erinne lifted a hand and they quieted, "There is much pain here, but the king has paid a terrible price already. His people have also paid the price. The orcs took much territory from this kingdom. Allow the humans to return home, to rebuild their villages and towns and cities."

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