3 Times Peter's ADHD Got the Best of Him

Start from the beginning


Peter slammed his hands down on the table before he stood up from his seat, and started pacing the room, feeling so frustrated

what was wrong with him?

"seriously Peter?" Peter yelled at himself, "You cant understand the instructions now?"

and it wasn't that he couldn't read the instructions, no, he knew what he read, and he remembers every word of it, he just can process it

"how on earth are you going to get this essay done if you cant get past the instructions?" Peter asked himself, mentally slapping himself in the head over and over. 

Peter let out an irritated huff, walked back over to the table, his excess energy gone from the pacing, and flopped back down into his seat

"Just focus peter, FOCUS", He yelled, forcing himself to read over the instructions again

English: Write a 7 paragraph essay, double spaced, on how you think the environment that the black bear lives in has an effect on the way the animal lives. 

"ohhhh, i get it now", Peter gasped, hands flying up in recognition, "i have to write an essay about how a bears environment changes their lifestyle... why didn't i get that before?"

Peter opened a document, where he could type his essay, and started on it,

There are many reasons that a bear's environment could effect its lifestyle, Peter typed, before pausing to think about how he's going to phrase his next words, and i'm going to share them with you.

Peter decided thats enough for now, and opened a new star wars video game that Ned showed him, and he started to play, choosing to type the rest of the essay later. It was still early, so he had plenty of time to get it done later

Peter played the game for what felt like ten minutes, before closing it down, thinking that he needed to get some more work done

He checked the time, and almost fell out of his chair, four thirty!? i've been playing that game for an hour?

Peter, beginning to panic, opened back up his essay, and started to do more research on the bears. 

Once he had some research stored, he typed out about 2 paragraphs, as though it were nothing. he flew through it, and was done with the two in less than fifteen minutes. 

"okay Peter, just five more paragraphs to go", peter cheered himself on, continuing to write his essay

around twenty minutes later, he stopped, finished with his essay

He stared at his laptop again, in shock, what just happened? why could i write that all in under an hour, yet i couldn't write more than two sentences when i started?

Peter, although he completed his assignment, was feeling even more frustrated than before

"why?" Peter asked himself, slamming his head against the table, "Why didn't i just do that before? why was i being so stupid? why did i take a break?"

Peter turned in his essay, and moved onto the next topic

History: Pick one person we have learnt about in this unit whom interest you the most, and describe in 2 pages how they had an effect on their time period/location.


Peter held his head in his hands, wanting to scream

He felt tears come to his eyes, as he stared at the assignment, why cant i understand what i just read? i just read it five seconds ago. why am i like this?

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