The next day

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(Todoroki POV)

It was the next day at work. It was just like every other day but when I saw Bakugo I remembered everything that happened yesterday. Though I would never usually talk to Bakugo, I felt like there was this awkward tension between us. "H-hey, bakugo" I stuttered trying to talk to bakugo

(Bakugo POV)

"H-hey, bakugo" Todoroki stuttered to me. "Huh" I replied back, "Um..Can we talk about what happened yesterday". I dont know why but for some reason I wanted to kiss that bastard. So I grabbed his arm and brought him to the bathrooms without anyone noticing, into one stall with just me and him. Now we were face to face.

(Todoroki POV)

I stood there with my face as red as a cherry. "um..a-any wa-" I said until bakugo kiss me. After what happened yesterday I wanted more, so I kissed back and now it was just a intense moment. Then bakugo stopped and I thought it was over until he turned himself around with his a$$ sticking out to me. I stood there with my face red as ever and then did what he wanted. When I entered I noticed that Bakugo was covering his mouth. "Oh yeah were at work, I forgot" I thought. Then I took his hands off his mouth and turned his to my face to me and kissed him.

(A couple of minutes later)

 (Bakugo POV)

After we finished, so it didn't look weird, I would go out first and a couple of minutes late Todoroki would go out. I didn't want people to know I was gay and that I was dating this bastard. I told him the plane and I don't know if I imagined it but he looked upset. Before I left, he grabbed my hand and gave me a kiss.  

(Todoroki POV)

When bakugo  told me about I planned I got upset. I wanted people to know we were dating, so they know he's mine. So before he left, I gave him a kiss.

(Hours later when they can go home, and Todoroki and bakugo can be alone)

(Bakugo POV)

Now it was late hours and it was just me and Todoroki. Im pretty sure, he knew I wanted it cause as soon as everyone left he came into my office. We started to kiss but then I felt like I had to throw up. I went to the bathroom and stayed there for a couple of minutes.

(Todoroki POV)

"Should I go into his office, what if he doesn't want to. If he doesn't then I'll just force him. I'll push him against the table and spank him." I thought until my face turned beet red. I went into office and I guess it was the right thing to do cause he kissed me. While we were kissing, Bakugo stopped and rushed to the bathroom and threw up. He stayed in there for a couple of minutes and I started to get worried. I knocked on the day and said "Are you alright..b-babe?".

(Bakugo POV)

"Dammit, why do I feel so sick?" I thought sitting on the floor near the floor. I heard a know at the door and it was Todoroki. I heard "Are you alright..b-babe?" come from outside. "D-did you just call me b-babe?" I said confused. "Y-yeah" Todoroki replied, "W-why" I said with my cheeks slighty red. "A-aren't we dating" he replied. "Wait, did he just say what I think he said?" I thought to myself with my hand over my face to hide my blush. "N-no... who gave you thought that idea" I said coming out of bathroom. "B-but...then why did you kiss and let" Todoroki said with his face redder ever than before. "Look the only reason, we did those things was because you were my rebound. I only used to make myself feel better" I said as I head back to my office to go home. 

(Todoroki POV)

"W-what" I said, "So all things that happened were just for your own pleasure?" I said with my cracking cause I was about to cry. "Basically, wait did you actually think I liked you?" Bakugo said laughing. I just stood there speech less with my eyes starting to become watery, "Well, Im going I feel like sh!t you can go home too" Bakugo said as he exited the building. I started to cry with a blank expression. When I got home I just start to bed and cried myself to sleep. 

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