Chapter 1

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Michael's POV

Nine months. It's been nine months since I've kissed Tyler. It's been nine months since I've layed my eyes on that boy. I miss him so fucking much. The last nine months have been the absolute worst nine months of my entire life.

Tyler left the band and we have a replacement. The guys are on the verge of kicking me out of the band because of how unpleasant I am. I constantly get Twitter and Instagram messages from fans asking if I'm okay and what happened between Tyler and I.

If I wouldn't have looked at Tyler's phone that day, none of this would have happened. I should have let him explain before I even said anything.

Tyler is the only person I have ever loved and I ruined that. I ruined everything we had. I have nothing, now.

When we're off tour, all I do is sit at home. When we're on tour, all I do is sit on the bus.

I can't talk to anyone about it, either. If I told the guys that I still miss him, they would chew me out and tell me that I need to move on already. They would never understand how much pain I'm in right now. Ever since my mom died, I've had no one to be there for me. She was the only one who never judged me. I could tell her anything and she would understand. My dad just doesn't care.

A.J.'s POV

I've had barely any say in everything that's happened. At first I was very upset with Michael for not trusting Tyler. I feel really sorry for him, now.  He hasn't been happy in months. I can't even remember the last time I saw him laugh.

I don't know much about how Tyler is these days. He has a new band. I haven't talked to him in almost four months. He used to call every other day to see how Michael has been doing. Of course, every time I told him that he is doing absolutely terrible and that he misses him. He cried a few times and told me that he doesn't know why he let Michael go. I encouraged him to give Michael a chance, though he never would.

It's a pretty crazy deal.

Neither Michael nor Tyler know about this, but the guys and I are going to come up with a way to get them back together.

In three months, we'll be back on the road for Warped Tour. Tyler and his band will also be playing Warped.

Somehow, we're going to figure out a way to make them "accidentally" bump into each other. They'll talk out their problems. Then, they'll kiss and make up.

That's how we're hoping it'll work out, anyways.

We just hate seeing Michael this way. He's so paranoid that we hate him over this, even thought we don't. He thinks we're going to kick him out of the band, even though we haven't come close to considering that. We told him that he's a brother and we would never do that to a brother.

We love Michael and we'd kill to see him happy again.

Going in Circles(Sequel to Please, Don't Speak that Way)Where stories live. Discover now