“I’ll be right back, I just need to step outside okay?”

Shay raised an eye brow, “Everything alright?”

Jack nods, “Yeah” Shay shifted around to where he could get up watching him walk off the bus the doors closed she sighed leaning her head against the window as Rian came over and sat across from her.

                                                      Jack stepped outside leaning against the bus seeing Holly standing there he stuck his hands in his jacket pocket glancing at her a second, “Why are you here?”

“I still love you Jack” She played with the zipper on his jacket.

Jack shifted a little bit raising an eye brow and laughed a little, “Well I’m with Shay now and that’s how it’s going to stay, and because I know she loves me.” He said moving her hand away from his zipper.

“Loves you? Are you sure she loves you Jack? Or is she just in it for the money?” Holly bit her lower lip.

Jack raised an eye brow, “Are you sure you weren’t in for just the money Holly? Shay shows a lot more fucking love then you ever did! Shay means the fucking world to me she’s the best fucking thing that’s ever happened to me, so don’t say shit about her!” Holly bit her lower lip lightly running her fingers through his hair only knowing it was a turn on she smirked moving closer tangling her fingers in his hair making it hard for him to pull back as the door opened she pressed her lips against his after seeing Shay walk out.

Rian looked out the window seeing what was going on with a pissed off Shay standing there on the steps she started to walk over toward them grabbing Holly by the hair pulling her back punching her. “Roo! Alex! You two may want to go outside!” Rian shouted.

Alex and Roo ran out of the bus noticing what was going on Alex’s jaw dropped, “I grab Holly you grab Shay, and someone best have a fucking explanation on what’s going on.” He said.

Roo nods grabbing Shay pulling her back and laughed to herself, “You did good” Roo whispered to Shay.

Shay grumbled, “I wasn’t finished, she kissed Jack.”

“As much as I would love to let you beat the shit out of her you need to calm down, its not good for the baby.”

Shay grumbled glaring at Holly, “Come on one more punch”  shay pleaded more concentrated on Holly than Jack at the moment.

“Well now you sound like me” Roo said glancing at Holly and smirked. “You know Holly at any givin moment I could let her go, you and I both know she would beat the shit out of you, not only that but I would to, so I suggest you leave.”

Holly laughed shrugging away from Alex’s grip, “This isn’t over I’ll be back.” She smirked walking over pressing her lips back onto Jack’s, Shay glared.

“Roo please just let me go so I can punch her one more time.” Shay begged feeling the blood boil up inside her.

“What was that Holly? I couldn’t hear you over the sound of me letting Shay go” Roo said letting her go. “Oops” Roo said running off back onto the bus.

Shay lunged toward Holly pulling her off Jack again, “Get the fuck away slut” she glared throwing a second punch just as Jack wrapped his arms around her waist holding her back.

“Oh? Is it my turn already?” Roo asked, Alex shook his head walking over to Roo, “Roo no. just as you told Shay it causes stress for the baby, lets just all get back onto the bus and plan this party okay?”

“Fine, but a little advice Holly? Stop messing with people you know are stronger than you, mainly us, we won’t hesitate to punch your face in. k bye.” Roo smiled waving she huffed glancing over at Jack pouting.

“Jack, please? Couldn’t we just take a walk and talk about this?”

Jack shook his head, “No”

“Wow, you just don’t give up, mad props, after getting punched in the face more than once by two different girls, just” Roo claps. “Wow” she adds.

Holly laughed rolling her eyes, “Oh Shayla? Jack and I slept together more than just once only because he kept coming back for more” Shay glared.

“A lot of people came for more because you can’t keep your legs closed miss easy entrance.” Roo growled.

Shay took in a deep breath and let it out, “Jack please just please let me go, I need to get away for a little while just walk off this anger.” Jack looked at Roo and Alex wondering if it was such a great idea.

“It’s cool, I’ll take it from here, or does Holly want to keep going? I can keep going I’m sure she has.” Roo said.

Jack sighed removing his hands from Shay’s waist dropping them to his sides, Shay pushed passed Holly but felt Roo grab her hand, “I’d let the bands know there’s a plage going around with her legs open to anyone, god knows where shes been might be contagious.”

Shay laughed a little bit sighing, “What if she’s right? I’m not letting her get to me but she’s convinced the baby really is Jack’s.” she leaned against something sighing.

“How long have you been with Jack?”

Shay sighed, “Almost four years but I mean we’ve been on and off because of the bitch that just kissed him.” She said looking down at her feet. “And the whole reason why we broke up the last time was because he slept with Holly.” She said.

“And how long ago was that?”

Shay bit her lip thinking back, “11 months ago I think from today.” She said looking up.

“Shay think about it, we have been watching him like a hawk and shes one of those people that will show and big time, did you see her? She can’t that far along maybe 5 or 6 months, and where has he been these past 6 months? With you constantly never leaving your side.” Roo said sighing. “She’s not convinced she’s obsessed, she wants what she can’t have.” Roo added.

Shay bit her lip lightly nodding a little, “You’re right” she sighed running her fingers through her hair s she looked down at the ground, “I honestly don’t know what I would do without him.” Roo smiled.

“And he feels the same way about you”

Paint Your Wings; [Sequel to Reckless and the brave]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя