Chapter 13- Final x Test of x Resolve

Start from the beginning

We passed by some obstacles and managed to get right back to where the we had to fight the prisoners, panting and trying to catch our breath. Well, Leorio, Kurapika and Mr.Tompa are while the boys and I are just fine.

"30 minutes of running and we're right back where we started." Leorio panted, still trying to get oxygen in his big lungs. "Didn't we tell you we should've taken the stairs down?" "Yeah. If you would've listened to Killua and I then maybe we wouldn't have this problem." I said, siding with Killua.

"This is the route we all agreed upon, so why don't you both shut the hell up?!" Leorio yelled at us, making me hide in front of Killua. Then after that, we were faced with many obstacles within our time limit, like, riding in a mine cart like a rollercoaster, running over a falling floor, then running away from a big giant bolder that was chasing us.

The bolder crashed into a wall, not being able to turn the corner, and let us all catch our breaths. "Man, I'm all covered in dust." "Same here, bub." I said, agreeing with Killua, dusting myself off then dusted Killua's back.

"Damn. Only an hour left. If we don't hurry, we'll never make it." Leorio panted, looking at the watch timer, then we all continued running. "We're supposed to vote on whether to open the door? We need to move on, so the choice is pretty clear." Leorio stated then clicked his answer, everyone following after.

No. No, it is not. What's up? I'm Jared, 19, and I never learned how to fucken read. I hesitated, not knowing what the answer was since I couldn't read what it said, and clicked a random one, hoping it was the correct one. The screen showed 5 'O's and 1 'X'.

Uh oh.. Leorio growled and grabbed Mr.Tompa by his shirt, yelling, "I've had enough of your crap." "What are you talking about? I pressed 'O', too." Mr.Tompa defended.

"Don't you lie to me. Sabotaging our chances is your freakin' specialty." The tall man growled. "Sorry, Leorio." "Huh?" "I accidentally clicked the wrong button." I admitted, Nee and I pointing at myself.

"What? Fine, I see how it is." Leorio questioned and then put Mr. Tompa back on the ground, walking away from him. "Hold on." "Hmm?" "I think you owe me an apology. You think I'm just gonna let that slide?" Mr.Tompa said, his voice low like a dad getting angry.

"Maybe if you weren't always doing shady stuff, this kind of thing wouldn't happen. I don't owe you a thing." "Almost sounds like you're trying to say I'm the one to blame for everything that's gone wrong." Mr.Tompa stated.

"What's that?" "Don't tell me. Have you already forgotten who it was that cost us those 50 hours and had some little girl fight to earn us our 25 minutes back? If memory serves, I'm pretty sure that honor goes to you." This time Mr.Tompa struck a nerve in Leorio's head.

"Hey, guys. Can we please calm down?" I asked, placing my hand on Leorio's arm. "Shut up, Michael." Leorio growled, making me flinch and cower behind Gon, who was the closest. Leorio then placed his suitcase down and got into a fighting stance, as did Mr.Tompa.

"Come on, guys. Knock it off! Michael was the one who accidentally pressed the wrong button, but that's okay." Gon tried to stop them. Just then then, Killua grabbed my arm and pulled me to the door, opening it.

"This is stupid. We're going on ahead." Killua said, pulling me along with him, I mean, I'm not complaining. Gon turned around, hearing what Killua said, shouting, "Michael, Killua, don't go!" "Hey Gon, we must be getting real close to the end." Killua poked his head out of the room we're in, with me nodding next to him.

"Whoa! Really?" Gon asked, happy, then ran to us, gaining the rest of the group's attention. "Let's see. 'This will be the last decision made by majority rule. Are you ready? Choose 'O' or 'X'.' And that's it." Killua read after everyone entered.

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