Chapter 22- Can't see x if you're blind? x No shit-!

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Third POV
After speaking with his father, whom he greatly admires, Killua leaves home once again, despite his mother's objections.

Meanwhile Canary leads Michael and her friends to the butler's quarters, in an attempt to meet with Killua.


Michael's POV
"Are we there yet?" Leorio huffed as he whipped the sweat off his forehead with his sleeve, visibly tired of walking. "Still a bit further." Canary, whom we learned the name of, answered him, plainly might I add.

"But we've been walking forever.." He sadly sighed, slouching his upper body as he walked behind us, Kurapika and I being in the middle of the group now, Gon and Canary being in front of us, leading us obviously.

Canary then stopped, making the rest of us stop as she turned her head to look at us slightly, "There it is." She finally said as looked forwards, in the distance you could see a large building, the lights being on.

"That's it, huh? It's still a lot farther away than I'd like." Leorio commas he rested his arm in my head, leaning on me a bit. "Hey, Canary. Aren't you gonna get in a lot of trouble with your bosses for bringing us here?" Gon asked the beautiful female.

"They are perfect aware of what I'm doing. I am quite certain of that." She admits, "I'm prepared for the consequences." "If there's any trouble, I'll take responsibility." Gon claimed, to which Canary declined.

"No. I am merely serving as a guide for Master Killua's friends." She said as she continued walking, Kurapika, Gon and I sharing a look of confusion then followed after her, well I was confused while they were surprised.

Killua's POV
"Master Killua. We've been waiting for you." Gotoh greeted me as he stood in front of the opened door that lead inside of the Butler's quarters.

"Gotoh. Where is Gon right now?" I asked, a ghost of a smile on my lips as I looked up at him. "You know, don't you?" I asked again, the anticipation of where they are somewhat killing me, my eagerness showing.

"Canary is bringing Master Gon along with his three friends, even as we speak." Gotoh informed me, looking down at me with his usual monotone voice.

"Seriously?" I asked with a visible smile this time, my heart fluttering as my stomach began to feel like it had butterflies in it.

"They'll be arriving shortly, so please wait inside." "Sure." I agreed as Gotoh stepped to the side, allowing me to walk in.

"Gotoh." "Sir." "The second s-he's here, tell me." "Of course. I shall notify you immediately." I then began to walk to another room to wait for them in.

With every step I take, my heart beats faster and faster, the anticipation of seeing them, more specifically, her, again.


Michael's POV
"Achew!" I sneezed out softly, as I pointed my face away from Kurapika, him looking down at me with an "awe" expression, the sneeze sounding fake to me even though I know that it was real.

"Bless you." Kurapika told me with a small chuckle, giving me one of his beautiful smiles after, my face blushing as he did that. "Thank you." I thanked, my tail wagging.

The f*ck am I? {[Blue Exorcist x HunterxHunter crossover]}Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt