Chapter 24- Nen x and x Nen

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(Note: Y'all remember this song? The music coming out of the gym's speakers and shit like that.)

Third POV
After Killua fought Zushi, the young practitioner of Shingen-ryu martial arts, Zushi mentions the Four Exercises. Michael and her friends are about to learn the secret of those principles from Zushi's master, Wing.


Michael's POV
"Paying attention? Nen, or flame, is the power that fires our souls." Mr. Wing said, moving to the white board and writing something down.

Right now we were in his apartment, where he's training Zushi. I was sitting in front of Gon's legs while he and Killua stood, my back pressed against his knees.

"In other words, it's the strength of your will. And the Four Exercises is a training regimen that strengthens your will."

""Strengthens your will"?" "Training?" Gon and Killua questioned, "Correct." Mr. Wing nodded, writing something down again. "Ten: focus the mind on a single point, reflect on the self, and determine the goal. Zetsu: to put into words. Ren is to intensify your will. Hatsu is to release it into action."

Okay, that's a lot of big words my small brain can handle. Are you even speaking words?

"Ten. Zetsu. Ren. Hatsu. The Four Exercises." Gon said as Mr. Wing pointed to each one, making me feel dumb since I can't read.

"See, Zushi tempered his 'refusal to lose' during his match with you, Killua." Mr. Wing said, "Now allow me to demonstrate. Killua?" The said male hummed.

"For this demonstration, I would like to "kill" you now. Is that all right?" Mr. Wing asked, I could feel Gon's body stiffen along with mine at the question.

"Sure. Why not. But you won't be able to." Killua answered like it wasn't a big deal. Right. Forgot. He's an ex-assassin. "Let's go this in order. First, Ten."

Mr. Wing got into this cool looking stance, "I focus my mind on a single point. Zetsu: express your desired intent. Either mentally or verbally. I will kill you." He spoke, making me wrap my arm around Gon's leg.

His body then began to be surrounded by this thin layer of purple aura. That looks cool. He then looked up at us, his eyes originally looking at the floor, and the purple thing grew in size, making me visibly stiffen, feeling Gon stiffen, too.

This felt exactly like what Illumi did during the Hunter Exam. My whole body was telling me to run, but I couldn't, only being able to hold onto Gon's leg for comfort, brushing it from how tight I was holding it.

Mr. Wing soon stopped, the aura around us disappearing. "That was a taste of Ren. With enough strength and focus, the will functions as action or Hatsu." He said as we all looked at Killua, him being in the corner of the ceiling.

"With a string will your opponent will back down. A more familiar term would be 'bluffing'. Ren hardens that which is soft and you suddenly find that you've lost your ability to correct an incorrect idea." Killua then got down.

"Therefore, until your soul has fully matured, avoid using Ren. As it stands now, you four children should really focus on training your souls." He smiled, making me nervously smile back, still recovering from what happened a few seconds ago.

"Let's go, guys." I heard Killua say as I saw him walking to the door. "If you truly wish to learn about Nen, set your sights on mastering Ten first." Mr. Wing spoke again, stopping Killua in his tracks.

"If you master Ten, you no longer feel the pressure of an opponent's will."


The f*ck am I? {[Blue Exorcist x HunterxHunter crossover]}Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum