Chapter 3- Rivals x in x survival

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   With the help of the Kiriko navigators, me and my new friends arrived at Zaban City, the location of this year's hunter exam. Huh, I guess Leorio was right.

    "A navigator's main job is to identify worthy applicants for the hunter exam. We're also responsible for guiding them to the exam site." The son Kiriko said looking down at a piece of paper, still walking.

     He was walking in front of us, this time though, I was holding onto Kurapika's hand since Gon was in the back, amazed at all the stalls. "You see, that's because it's almost impossible to find the location without a navigator." The son Kiriko finishes as we continue in silence.

     The only noise were the constant chattering around us. Shop keepers trying to grab the attention of the passerby. They did however got Gon's attention as he was looking at all of their items, going stall to stall.

     What a dork. "You know, Zaban City is one shady place." Leorio said looking around, interrupting my thoughts. "A city that's as prosperous as this one is bound to attract its share of unsavory characters." Kurapika said also looking around us, pulling me closer to him.

    "Damn, when you put it that way, that is scary." I said while moving my free hand to hold Kurapika's arm, getting closer, feeling uneasy. Sensing my uneasiness, he squeezed my hand in reassurance. I squeezed back, thankful.

   Leorio, noticing Gon's not behind him, turned around, making us stop, and shout for him, who was at a food stall, "What do you think you're doing, Gon? Let's go!" "Right!" Was all he said, running to us. The rest of the walk was rather calm. Noice.

     I started to hum "You are my sunshine" that dad used to sing to me and my brothers when we were young, to keep myself occupied, with having nothing to do but follow. I was unaware that the group around me was listening to me and enjoying the little tune, not even knowing the song.

    "Here we are. I'm pretty sure that's the building." The son Kiriko said looking at his price of paper, point up. We all look in the direction of his pointing and saw a huge fancy building. Gon gasps with a 'woah' while also looking up.

    Wait, if the exam site was supposed to be hard to find without a navigator then wouldn't it be something you would never expect? Like the sewers, a cat store or a toy store?

     Kurapika, Gon and Leorio walked up to the building with me letting go of Kurapika as I was still in thought. "Um, sir? Are you sure that this is the right place?" I asked the son Kiriko with him looking up from his paper.

    "Yeah sorry, I made a mistake." He said rubbing the back of his head, walking to the correct building, me and Nee following behind him. "This it the place." He said stoping, with his hands on his hips.

    "Hey, guys!" I turned and yelled for my male companions, gaining their attention. "Over here!" I yelled waving my hands above my head with Nee doing the same on my shoulder. "This is it." The son Kiriko said pointing to a cool old fashioned ramen shop.

     Is it a ramen shop? A restaurant that has food. "Come on. Your messing with us, right?" Leorio asked as they make their way towards us, "It just looks like a regular restaurant. You're telling me that the hunter applicants from all over the globe come to this old dive to take the exam?" He finishes as they stopped in front of us.

     "That's exactly right." The son Kiriko says while looking at the restaurant before is. "The hunter exam attracts millions of applicants every year, and no one would expect the exam to be held here, right?" He finished what he was saying making Leorio sigh, "Good point." Making me laugh.

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