Chapter 20- The x guard's x duty

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(Please point out my spelling mistakes!!)

Third POV
Michael and her friends have begun to confront the obstacles that they must over come in order to reunite with Killua.

They head towards their destination with no idea what awaits them.


Michael's POV
"Here we are. These are the servants' quarters." The old man said as we all stood outside a neat looking building, and it looks like the building has three floors? Noice.

Wait, isn't this the cabin we were at before the whole world jumping thingy? I wasn't able to see what was inside since I was too stubborn but maybe it is.

I turned to Nee, him already shaking his head "no", knowing what I was gonna ask him, much to my disappointment, making me sigh out, my ears drooping as I began to slouch a bit.

I'm gonna call you gramps from now on. Calling you "the old man" is too much for me plus too long to say every time.

"It's getting pretty late, so you can stay here tonight." Gramps told us as he then opened the door for us and ushered us in, the door sounding like it weighed tons. Wait a minute.

"Jesus Christ." I gasped to myself as the others were equally as surprised as I was, "I can do that." I mumbled to myself, myself believing that I could open it, too.

"Please, come on in." Gramps said and gestured us in with welcoming smile, me gladly walking in, my tail wagging at what I saw inside.

"Woah!" I gasped as I looked all around me, "This is exactly what I pictured a cabin in the woods would look like." I mumbled to myself again as I admired all the woodyness to it, the floors, the walls, and the plain decor.

"I sometimes forget how easily amazed you are. You're exactly like a toddler." Amaimon groans to himself, his small being sitting on his claimed shoulder. "Oh hush!" I shot at him.

"Hey! Anybody home?" Gramps called out, still standing in the doorframe, me getting spooked at his sudden shouted, making me hide behind Leorio's legs, peeking out to look at him.

"Guests, Huh? Don't see that every day." A guy mumbled as he walked down the last few steps on the staircase in front of us. This dude has like a cool looking Afro looking thing with a bandana in his forehead. Your name better be lieutenant or something cool like that.

"This is Seaquant. He works with me here at the estate." Gramps introduced, me being visibly disappointed by his name. "Good evening." Gon greeted him, me giving the man a salute.

"Humph." He sighed as he started to walk off somewhere, "Zebro doesn't take a liking to just anybody. Make yourselves at home. Though in this house, it's easier said than done." Sea guy said as he waved his hand as he left somewhere.

"Is that a challenge I smell?" "You smell." "What?" "What?"


"You want to see young master Killua?" Sea man asked as he then laughs, him leaning his back against the wall next to the table we were all at, me sitting in between Leorio and Kurapika, Gon and Gramps sitting across from us.

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