Chapter 7- Showdown x on x the blimp

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After all of us clearing the second phase of the exam, me and my friends fly through the starry sky towards the site of the third phase.

"I will now take the opportunity to introduce myself properly to the remaining 43 applicants. I am Netero, the chairman of the selection committee for this year's hunter exam. It a pleasure to meet all of you." He said, greeting us.

"And I'm his secretary, Beans." A small man that looks like a green bean said. Ain't he the one who gave us our badges?

"I had originally planned to make my appearance during the exam's final phase. But, well, it seems as how I'm already here. .." Mr. Netero paused and looked at each and everyone of us. "I have to admit there's nothing I love more than this feeling of tension in the air," Killua started to yawn making me pinch him. "So I think I'll stick around for the remainder of the trip." He then laughs.

"We are scheduled to arrive at our destination tomorrow morning at 8:00 a.m exactly. You'll find dinner waiting for you in the dining hall. You're also welcome to get some rest, of course. You're free to do as you please until we contact you. The evening is yours." Mr. Bean informed us.

"Hey, come on, guys. Let's go and explore the airship." Killua told Gon and I, "Yeah." "Count us in!" We both said as we ran after Killua, not without me tapping both Kurapika and Leorio's right shoulders three times with my pinky.

Time skip
After awhile of exploring l, we found ourselves in a kitchen eating food until the chef kicked us out. We then started to walking around, nibbling on food we were able to take.

"Hmm? Hey awesome! Guys, check it out!" Killua exclaimed, running to a window. Gona and I ran towards him and also looked out. "Hmm? What is it?" "Wassup?" Both Gon and I questioned.

We looked outside to see a night illuminated by a city's lights. "Look, Nee!" I called for the Greenman who was in my backwards hoodie hood. He popped his head out and "Aawed" at the beautiful sight before us. I instantly took my bag off, taking my camera out, and took a picture to show Yuki and Rin for when we go home.

 I instantly took my bag off, taking my camera out, and took a picture to show Yuki and Rin for when we go home

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