Chapter 13- Final x Test of x Resolve

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Michael's POV

I woke up to another pillow fight between the boys, them pissing me off. I'm not mad that they were fighting no, no, no. I'm mad that they didn't wake me up! The aUdaCiTy of these people.

I sat up and threw my pillow to the back of Gon's head, making him fall forward to the ground, surprised, not expecting to get hit from behind.

"The nerve of you jerks! You dare not invite me to a war of pillows!" I yelled, grabbing another pillow and tackling Killua, hitting him repeatedly with it.

Gon got up and quickly tried to me off of him, but I turned around and threw the one Killua had right in his face with so much force that he flew backwards a bit.

"How! Dare! You! Not! In! Vite! Me! To! Play!" I yelled, continuing to beat up Killua with my pillow with every word, startling him at how much force there was to the swings.

After awhile of me chasing the boys, they started doing little competitions without me, saying that I could join them when they say it's fine.

"Why can't I do the one you're doing right now?" I pouted, sitting crisscrossed and arms crossed, Nee doing the same thing on my head, looking at the boys doing handstand push-ups.

"Because you're wearing a skirt, and if you do this then we'll see your underwear." Killua replied, growing red at the end, probably the blood going to his face.

"I have shorts in my backpack you know. If I change into those then can I join?" I asked, moving to sit on my knees, just in case I needed to get up.

"But then where are you gonna change?" "Uh, in here?" I answered Gon, though it sounded more like a question than an answer, walking to my bag, looking at them with a confusion.

"What?!" The both yelled, losing their balance and falling. "You can't do that! You're a girl and the room is full of guys! We're gonna see you!" Killua protested, growing red.

"Oh, yeah? Watch me!" I challenged, grabbing my red shorts, and pulled them up, not removing the skirt. They were stunned, but then sighed, relieved that I didn't take my clothes off.

"Ha!" I laughed triumphly, my hands on my hips, Nee on my head doing the exact same thing. He even made little clothes, that resemble mine, out of some leaves he spawned.

"Guys, come and eat." Leorio called, sitting down at the coffee table with Mr.Tompa. When I heard the word 'eat', I immediately sprinted towards the coffee table, nearly running into it.

"Food! Yes, yes!" I chanted, grabbing my plate, then thanked for the meal. Gon and Killua sat on both sides of mine, me in the middle, and also got their plates.

They then started taking pieces of my food off my plate, making me shank them with my both ends of my spoon, taking a whole lot of their food from their plate. I then walked over to my backpack and hand fed Amaimon, the hamster, the rest, so he wouldn't starve.

Then I read with Kurapika. When I say 'read', I mean napping on him while he reads. My back against his chest, as I'm covered in a blanket, my lower body in between his legs again.

After a while of napping, I got up and gathered my stuff into my bag, making sure to leave room for the demon in there, and stood watching the clock go down.

"Okay! I'm ready to go!" "Yeah." I agreed with Gon. Just then, the timer was left with a single number. 1. "One more minute." Kurapika spoke. "This one minute's taking forever, huh?" Leorio grumbled.


The door buzzed, unlocking itself, allowing us to leave this cramped room. As it opened, Gon and I wasted no time and started running out, him taking the lead. "Wait for us, guys!!" Leorio shouted, causing Gon and I to laugh.

The f*ck am I? {[Blue Exorcist x HunterxHunter crossover]}Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя