Part 15-The letter.-

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(Scorpius 11th birthday)

"Scorpius!" Yelled Rose, she hugged my son.

"Rose!" He hugged her, and they stayed like that for a little bit.

"Alright Scorpius off of my daughter."

"Sorry sir." He let go off rose. Rose rolled her eyes at her father. And handed Scorpius, a present.

"Open it please." He nodded and started opening it. It was a green and red scarf. "I made it myself..I hope you like it.." Rose said kind of shy. Scorpius smiled.

"No,no I love it." He hugged her. Then a owl flew in with three letter and dropped them in my hands. They read:

Scorpius Malfoy

Hugo Weasley

Rose Weasley

You hand Rose and Hugo's letters to Hermione. Hermione looked at you.

"The letters!" You and Hermione jumped up and down in excitement.

"Love are you going to give your son his letter?" You looked at him.

"Fine. Here you go Scorpius." Hermione gave her kids there letters.

"Momma I got into Hogwarts!" Yelled the three kids. Just as Ron walked in.

"They what?" Asked Ron.

"They got into Hogwarts!" Yelled Hermione in excitement. Ron hugged his wife. Draco smiled and hugged you from behind.

"I'm glad your happy." He whispered in your ear. You felt sick you ran into the bathroom, and threw up. Draco ran to you. "You OK love?"

"Mhm.." He put your hair in a ponytail. He sat on the floor, you leaned back.



"Do you think.." You looked at him. "Do you think your pregnant?" You looked at him. Then your stomach.

"I don't know..we'll check after his party."

"OK." You got up cleaned yourself up, Draco and you, walked into the living room. Scorpius, started, eating cake. Your son looked up at you.

"Momma you OK?"

"Yes you enjoying your cake?"

"Yes momHema." He went back to eating his cake. Then you guys started opening gifts. He got clothes, books, shoes, a new wand, a Nimbus, Draco was excited you weren't. He loved his birthday gifts. Rose was staying the night, Hugo wanted to go home, you told Hermione what Scorpius, had said about Hugo hating him, she said she would talk with her son. Hermione, left with Ron and her son.
Rose and Scorpius, played in his room. While you and Draco, sat in the living room, and watched TV. Then you heard a knock on your door.

"I'll get it." Draco went to the door. Draco looked unsteady when he opened the door. You walked behind him, and had seen your father. "What do you want."

"I heard I have a grandson. I wanted to meet him."

"No, you don't get to. You ruined our lives. Go away" Scorpius, and Rose came down stairs.

"Momma? What's going on?" He said standing in front of Rose, looked like he was trying to protect her.

"Nothing, this..person was just leaving." He tried to look over your shoulder but Draco blocked him.

"Is that a Weasley?" He asked with a disgusted look. Rose was holding on to  Scorpius.

"Does it matter. Father?"

"Yes because, that boy can't love a Weasley, it would break the tradition. Of pure blood. If she was a Slytherin may be different. But she's a gryffindor." Rose and Scorpius looked scared.

"No. That's not true, Scorpius, is allowed to love how he wants." Your father looked at you in disgust and walked off.

"Mom what did he mean?" You and Draco looked at each other. And sat Rose and Scorpius down, and told them everything. About Valdomart, your guys parents, the death eaters.

"Mom, I'll protect Rose." You smiled.

"I know you will." You replied. He smiled, and hugged Rose tight. "Lets go to bed alright?" They nodded. "Rose I made the guest room for you."

"Thank you Mrs.Malfoy but, I'll sleep with Scorpius." You nodded and they went up to bed. You and Draco weren't far behind them. You and Draco laid in bed.

"What if..why did he visit?.." You asked Draco.

"I don't know love.." He held you tighter, and closer. You guys fell asleep.


Sorry that its short.

I hope you liked it.


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