Part 2- Distraction

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You woke up in Draco arms. You didn't realize it at first, but you would have to admit, it is the best sleep you have gotten in years. And he looks so cute, when he's sleeping. Instead of his normal smirk, he looks..peaceful.
Then you heard,

"Good morning princess, enjoying the view?" You hid your face in his chest, you heard him chuckle. You thought that's the first time I've heard him laugh. You sat up on your elbows and looked at him.  With a smirk on your face.


"You laughed." You said smiling.

"Did not." He said getting defensive. He sat up leaning against the headboard, you sat up on his lap facing him.

"Yes you did."

"Whatever y/m/n we have to go eat."

"Ugh fine. You win this time."

You guys got up you changed into your uniform. And so did Malfoy. You guys grabbed your bags, and books, and walked out of his dorm. He had his hand on your lower back while, you guys walked down the hallway, you guys were being stared at. He walked down with you to go eat you sat down and he sat down next to you. You guys made your plates and you felt someone hugging you but it wasn't Draco. You leaned up and seen Hermione.

"Hey, can I sit with you?.."

"Sure..I guess.."

Draco looked at you surprised. He grabbed your waist and pulled you closer to him. Which was surprising knowing he wasn't one to show affection in public.

"Chill Malfoy I'm not gonna take your girl." You blushed and stuffed your mouth with food.

"Whatever Granger."

He put a arm around your waist. Hermione rolled her eyes.

"So y/n, I'm really sorry about the boys..I heard you slapped them. I'm pretty impressed."

You smile, "yeah I did." You looked and Draco and could see a smile on his face. Hermione had seen this.

"So Malfoy what do you think about y/n slapping them."

"Wait you did? Well then, they deserved it. Do you want a prize?" He winked at you, as you hide your face in your hands.

"Tmi! Tmi Malfoy."

He chuckled, you guys got up you and Hermione linked arms and walked as Malfoy. Walked beside you.

"Granger can I have my girl?"

"Um let me think..nope."

He rolled his eyes. And you smiled. You guys, walked into potions, you and Malfoy sat in the back while Hermione sat up front with Ron. While you guys were waiting for Snape you had seen a note being passed. You were told from some Hufflepuff that it was for you, Draco leaned over to look at it. You opened it. It had said:

Just because Hermione forgives you, we won't. Let us know when you come back to your senses. -Harry and Ron.

You looked at Draco he looked ready to kill someone.

"Hey, they don't bother me." He kissed your temple.

"I know..but it bothers me. They shouldn't treat you like that."

"It'll be ok. Plus I have you and Hermione. I'll be fine."

Next thing you know Hermione has her wand at Ron throat. You run to her.

"What's going on?!"

"Y/n he called you a whore. I'm ready to hex him right now."

"Its fine..he just jealous because he doesn't have a girlfriend."

You heard ooo's behind you. Draco walked up behind you.

"What red head can't take a fact?" You asked Ron.

"Not true. You shouldn't be with him. Why can't you relize Harry likes you!" Ron blurted out. He covered his mouth quickly. Malfoy turned to Harry.

"So potter you like y/n?" Harry nodded slowly.


"How?" Asked Ron. Hermione lowered her wand.

"You don't treat someone you care about like Potter has treated y/n."

You walked back in sat in your seat. Hermione did to.

"I hate to agree with Malfoy. But harry he's right." Replied Ron. Harry nodded and sat down in his chair hiding his face. Ron went to sit in his chair. Draco had a big smirk, on his face walking up to you, sat down. And said:

"But that doesn't matter potter. She's. Mine." Then Snape walked in.

"Who's yours Draco?" He asked.

He looked down scared.

"No one sir." Snape nodded. You looked at him confused. You figured he had a good reason. You'd ask him later. After class ended. Snape asked to talk to you. Alone. You walked up to his desk after everyone left.

"Yes Professor?" You asked.

"I don't want you sitting next to Draco anymore. I don't want you interacting with him at all." You almost started to tear up.

"W-why sir?"

"Your not a good influence on him. Malfoy..has his own things he needs to think of. He doesn't need. Distractions. Understand?" You nodded and left the room crying. Malfoy was waiting outside. I guess he heard everything because he hugged you tight.

"I'm sorry y/n.."

"Sorry Draco..but I have to go..apparently far away from you. I'm just a distraction right?.." Malfoy looked down. You walked off, you skipped the rest of your classes. Didn't go to lunch or dinner. Then you heard a knock on your door. You walked over to open it. And there stood Malfoy.

"Can we talk..?"  You nodded. Let him in he sat in a chair in your dorm. You sat on your bed.

"I..I think he's right..I'm going through a lot..and you could get hurt..y/n I can't lose you..I need to know your safe..even if that means..we can't see each other.." You started crying.."y/n..I'm dangerous..potter and Ron are right I don't deserve need someone..who you will be safe with.." You looked down.."I'm sorry.." He walked over to you and held your hands you wouldn't look at him though.

"I love you y/n.." You looked up at him..

"No you don't Draco if you did you wouldn't be running from me..we are a couple..that means we get through the tough obstacles. Please I know I cant live without you..but apparently you don't say you love me..because you don't.." He sat next to you.

"Y/n yes I do..I love you so fucking much but I need to know you will be protected. I love you so much. I can't ever stop thinking about you..I sleep better with you..I can't live with out your taste.."

"Taste? what I'm a fucking object now?!" You asked getting angry.

"Y/n I didn't mean it like that. And you know it."

"You know what..I don't even know why I try..I was so happy..and then it got ripped away..Im tired of being happy and then it get taken away.." Draco had his arms around your waist.

"I'm sorry..but I need to know you'll be safe.."

"Don't you get it!..only place I feel safe is with you!..why is that so hard to understand..?" You guys sat there quite for a little bit. As he held you in his arms.

"Fine but we need to act like we broke can stay in my dorm and I'll spend the weekends with you.."

"Fine.." You said giving up.

You had fallen asleep. In his arms.

His Girl~ Reader x Draco (Nice?)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat