Part 9-The Christmas gift.-

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You woke up to Draco waking you up.

"Love it Christmas, come on." You sat up, rubbed your eyes.

"Five more minutes.." you said tiredly. He smiled picked you up bridal style and carried you downstairs, when you guys got down there, you had seen this big tree, with a whole bunch of presents, a stoking with each of your guys, names.

"Draco you didn't have to." He smiled, and sat you on your feet, and hugged you from behind while you looked at the tree. You sat there thinking about his Christmas present you didn't know how he would react, I mean it was a pregnancy test, that was positive. You hope he didn't get anything to expensive.

"I know my love." You walked over to the presents and sat down in-front of the tree, Draco handed you, your stocking. You smiled and poured it in front of you, there was a BUNCH of chocolates, and a card, you looked at him then the card, you opened the card, he sat down behind you and wrapped his arms around you, you opened the card and it read:


I love you more then you could ever know my love, I'm so glad to call you mine. I hope you enjoy your Christmas my love.


You turned around to him, and kissed his cheek, you grabbed a present for him, and a present for you.

"Go first." You told Draco, it was a big box, he smiled, and started opening it, when he opened the box, he smiled. He opened it all the way, and it was the newest, Nimbus. He kissed your cheek.

"Thank you my love." You smiled, and started opening your gift, you opened the Emerald green box, to see a news pair of jeans they were ripped jeans.

"My mom got those for you, she said you would like them" he said rubbing the back of his neck, he was kind of blushing to.

"No I love them. I'll make sure I tell your mom thanks." You said smiling. You guys opened some more gifts, Draco got some new short which you are definitely going to steal. Some news shoes, a new wand, and some of his favorite food. You had gotten, some more clothes, shorts, jeans, hats, shorts, shoes, and more. And had gotten a some new books. Then it was time for Dracos big present. You pulled it out of your pocket, as Draco was about to get a up.

"You missed one love." He looked at you surprised, it was a small box, you handed it to him, he started to open it, you stood up. He opened it. Removed the tissue paper. He looked at it. Then his eyes went big.

"Y-your?.." you nodded letting a few happy tears slip, he hugged you tight, and cried tears of joy. You guys sat there holding each other, then he leaned down and kissed your stomach. You giggled.

"I can't wait to grow our family." He said kissing you. You smiled, he wiped away your tears. Then his parents walked in.

"Oh my goodness are you guys crying?! What's wrong?" His mom said worried. You guys giggled. Narcissa looked at you guys like you were crazy.

"Mom.." Draco said wrapping his arms around you.

"Yes Draco?" You smiled.

"Y/n's pregnant." He said smiling.

"She's young guys are ready for this?" You guys smiled faded.

"Yes mom, I love her."

"Draco..what about..your mission.." Draco tightened his grip on you.

"Narcissa I know about his mission, he will be fine. We will be fine. Thank you for worrying about us though." Narcissa, smiled.

"I'm happy for you guys, I'm here to help if needed." You guys smiled, Draco loosened his grip, then his father walked in, walked over to his son, whispered something in his ear, Draco nodded kissed you head, and walked with his father, you started picking up the trash. Narcissa helped.

"Y/n..Draco is very lucky to have you..but I do know what it's like to be in your place..when you have your child, you need to think what's good for your child, then what's good for your relationship..I wish I would of..maybe Draco would have to do what he has to do.." you looked at her in surprise. "All I'm saying is, he's going to make horrible decisions.." you nodded. "Y/n you don't have to listen, but at least think about it.." you nodded, she put the trash in the trashcan, you and a elf, carried your and Dracos gifts upstairs into his room, you thanked the elf, and put away Dracos gifts, then yours, you changed into the new jeans, and a black crop top, with white vans, and your hair in and bun. You walked downstairs, to see Draco, talking to his Mother and father, then he seen you and smiled, he walked over to you and hugged you.

"Hello beautiful." You smiled.

"Hello love." He bent down kissed your stomach.

"Hello little one." You smiled thinking about how amazing of a father he was going to be, then you thought of what he mother said, and your smiled faded away. Draco looked at you noticing your smile went away.

"You ok my love?" You looked at him and put on a fake smile.

"Yea I'm ok.." he nodded your guessing he knew that smile was fake, he hugged you tight. And whispered in your ear.

"We'll talk about it later my love.." you nodded, and you guys walked over to your parents, in a few days, you guys was going back to hogwarts, you couldn't wait to see your friends, the parents congratulated you guys, his mom talked to you about when you guys was going to get married, you and Draco had decided at the end of the school year. She said that sounds awsome and she could take you to pick about your dress, but you already decided you was going with Hermione. She said that's alright, you told her you was going to bed, you walked up to your room, and laid down on your bed, you heard your door opening, to see Malfoy, he walked over to you, sat on your bed.

"Love are you ok?.." he asked kind of scared.

" and your mom was talking..and I don't know..I'm just scared.." he held your hands.

"Of what?.." you sat up looking into his grey eyes.

" could get sent to Azkaban..or you could die..I'm scared..yes I want to raise this baby..but not without you.." he held you in his arms.

"Love..don't worry.."

"Draco, I can't.."

"We are going to be fine..your not going to raise the baby alone..I promise.." you nodded, he held you.

As you guys drifted off to sleep.


Thanks for reading!

Words: 1124.

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