Part 3- The "breakup"

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Tw:self harm, smut.

You woke up but there was no Draco you shrugged it off. You looked at your side table and found a note. Definitely Malfoy handwriting, it's sloppy number 1 and 2 you just know it. It says: 

Mi Amor, 

I went to my dorm after you fell asleep, you can come to my dorm after classes, please go to breakfast, tell your friends..that we took a break or something like that..I love you princess..I'll see you at breakfast. 

- Malfoy

You got up got dressed grabbed your things for school, and walked down to go eat, you walked through the doors and you seen Malfoy eyes on you I mean do you blame him, your were wearing a short skirt, and a crop top, only because hogwarts doesn't care what you guys wear anymore, (go along with it-author) you was wearing a short plaid skirt, a black crop top, white vans, and you had your hair down, you walked over to Hermione, Ron, And Harry. 

"Can I sit here?.." you asked

"Of course!" Hermione said. You sat next to her. 

"Why aren't you with your little boyfriend?" Harry asked upset.

"We are taking..a break.."

You started eating. 

"Well y/n he's staring at you, like a predator." Ron said. You looked at him and winked, he had that stupid smirk on his face. You then got a text. 

"Who's that?" Ron asked. 

"My mom." You replied. 

It's was really from Draco but you were not gonna tell him that. It said:

What do you think your wearing? 

 You replied: 


(A conversation between Draco and you.)

Well babygirl, that skirt is to short. 

 Oh really? Didn't notice. You really thought I was gonna make this easy on you?

Ugh. My dorm now. 

What about class. What about Snape?

Princess. Now.


(Conversation ended.) 

"I'm gonna go, and take care of something. Cya guys."

They all waved bye, you walk out and to Draco's dorm.

When you got there, he pulled you in, and smashed his lips on yours, you let out a soft moaned, from the unexpected touch. He laid you down on his bed. Tried taking off your shirt. You stopped him. 

"Y/n why are you stopping me?" 

"Because.." (tw:self harm)

"Because?.." he sat up. You held your wrist. He grabbed your wrist, you winced in pain, he pulled down your sleeve. 

"Y/n what the hell?" He got off of you and sat you up. 

"W-why would you.." you looked down, he pulled your chin to look at him. 


"Because..I got scared..I thought..I thought you were going to leave me..and with the Harry and Ron's was to much..I tried not to..I really's hard.." you said tears flowing out. You tried not to look into his eyes. You pulled your sleeve back down. He pulled it up again. Pick you up, carried you to the bathroom, sat you on the counter, grabbed some cleaning stuff. He cleaned your wrist. When he was done he put one arm on either side of you. He looked into your eyes. And you looked into his. 

"I'm not leaving you. Now I want you to promise me something." You gave him a questing look.

"Every time. And I mean it. Every time you want to hurt yourself. You come to me. And cut my wrist as much as you would, to you. Got it?" You sat there for a good minute thinking of what he just said. Then you shook your head no. "No, y/n it's not a option." You looked down. 

"Promise?" He asked kinda pissed off. You nodded. 

"Words y/n." 

"Y-yes Draco." He leaned his forehead on yours. 

"I love you..I don't want you hurting yourself.."

You looked at him, he put his lips against yours gently, which you didn't know he could do. He picked you up, still kissing you, laid you on the bed, he tried to pull your shirt off, but you hesitated. 

"Princess, your scars are beautiful. Let me show you.." you gave in, he pulled off your shirt, and placed a gentle kiss on each of your scars, you blushed, he pulled off his shirt, he kissed your neck, until he found your sweet spot, you let out soft moans. You both stopped when you heard knocks, you quickly put your shirt on, Malfoy signaled for you to hide, you hid in the bathtub, Malfoy opened, the door, you heard Harry and Ron.

"What happened with you and y/n?" Ron asked

"None of your concern." 

"We'll have you seen her?" Harry asked 

"No, now go away." 

"Ok well if you do tell her, that Gryffindor is having a party, she's invited, you aren't." 

"Ok pottah." You heard Harry and Ron leave, Draco came to you, picked you up, like a baby, and sat you on his bed.

"Sorry about that love."

"Its OK." He kissed your forehead. And laid down next to you. He had his arms wrapped around your waist. You were laying your head on his chest. He was playing with your hair.


"Yes?" You asked

"I want you to keep your promise.."

You stayed quite for a little bit. Then said: "Draco..I don't make promises I can't keep.." He looked at you. And pulled you closer to him.

"Please.." You hid your face in his chest.

"Y/n..I'm not messing with you..please..promise me you will.." You looked up into his grey eyes. He looked like he was about to break. It hurt your heart. A lot.

"F-fine.." He held you tight. And you guys fell asleep. You fell asleep in his arms. And he fell asleep holding you. Best sleep you guys have gotten, in awhile.


Thanks, for reading. Hope you enjoyed.

Words: 984

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