C55:☆Their Past Life☆

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[  ..... She remembered promising herself to one man. That man was a lord and he was known for having a weak and sickly body. Yet that lord who would order his servants to death just by looking at him the wrong way became her fiancé.

Her father was a wealthy merchant and she was his only daughter. He had no other children but her. His age became a contributing factor to his illness so she cared for him and devoted herself because she was not prepared to be left alone in this world.

Her father, the wealthy merchant, knew her fears which was why he told her to get married so he could finally put an end to his worries. He did not want his only child to be alone so he reached out to the renowned lord and asked for a marriage.

The lord agreed.

The man and woman first met at the lord's garden. That encounter became the starting point of their relationship.

The lord grew to like the merchant's daughter and she in turn, grew to admire the lord.

It was supposed to be a love story with a happy ending.

But the merchant fell gravely ill alongside the lord.

The merchant's daughter who was torn between her fiancé and father eventually chose to postpone her marriage so she could care for her dying father.

The lord was angered by her choice because the lord never understood why he needed to share his lover with someone else even though that someone else was his lover's father.

The lord never truly experienced what love is nor did he recognized it but he knew in his mind that he wanted nothing but to keep that woman beside him for the rest of his life. It was because that woman was the only person who accepted him despite his sickly body and horrible temper.

The lord's jealousy slowly grew overtime. He eventually plotted killing the merchant because he could not stand not being the center of his lover's attention.

The merchant's daughter remained oblivious. She happily spent her time in her home with her father as well as her childhood friend.

The childhood friend was a shy man younger than her. Unlike the lord, the childhood friend knew in his heart that the only woman he'll ever love was the merchant's daughter.

"I'm engaged," were words that broke him when he learned that the very same woman he loves was going to marry a sickly lord for a husband.

But he gritted his teeth, mulled over how unfair it was before accepting the fact.

"As long as you are happy."

But the merchant suddenly died.

He did not die because of his illness. He was poisoned in the dead of the night.

The daughter was too late when they found out. She wept and cried, breaking down into a sobbing mess that was inelegant for a young woman. Did she care? Her father died and her heart died along with him.

The childhood friend attempted to console her.

That was until the lord came, separating them apart.

"This woman is my bride to be. You lowly commoner dare to touch what is mine?"

That was the last he saw of the woman he loves. The lord ruthlessly separated her from him and kept her in his mansion.

He did not give up. The childhood friend braved the danger and went to the mansion, wanting to see the woman again.


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