Patton:⚠️slight harassment⚠️
You had always been the type to give into peer pressure. You have also never liked parties. These two things coinciding led to a very bad night. You had let your 'friends' convince you to go to a college party with them and be the designated driver. Of course, there were many drunk college students all over the place, while you just pressed yourself against a wall and hoped no one would talk to you. Unfortunately, things didn't work out the way you planned. A drunk guy approached you, stumbling over his feet as he did. He reeked of alcohol and axe body spray. You tried to move away, hoping that he wasn't actually trying to talk to you. Unfortunately, he was. He stopped you and threw pick up line after pick up line at you. Of course, you kept rejecting him and trying to get away. You told him you had a boyfriend, but he just replied saying that he didn't have to know. You couldn't handle it anymore when he put his hands on you. You pushed him away from you, and as he stumbled back, you ran towards the door. Your vision was clouded as you cried and ran towards your car. You sent a quick text to the group chat with your friends that were at the party, telling them that you were leaving and they had to find another way home. You cried for a bit before you calmed down and started driving to Patton's house. You needed to see him. After a short drive you arrived there and ran up to his house, quickly knocking on the door. After a few moments the door opened and a smiling Patton was standing there. Without any hesitation you hugged him. The tears started falling again, despite your efforts to keep them in. Patton pulled you inside and sat you on his lap while he sat on the couch. He soothingly rubbed your back as you cried. With one final sniffle, you lifted your head up and wiped away your tears.
"Sorry" You mumbled. Patton kissed your nose in response.
"You have no reason to apologize, Kitten." He said softly, with a warm smile on his face. You couldn't help but smile back. "So what happened?"
"I got dragged to a party and this guy wouldn't leave me alone." You answered. He nodded in understanding as he held you closer. You sighed contentedly as you cuddled into him, sleep taking over you.

Logan: ⚠️slight harassment ⚠️
Working in a big office building definitely had its struggles. Especially when a majority of the other employees were a bunch of sexist men. (Homophobic if your a guy or other) It was typically just frustrating when they tried to mansplain to you or put you down. But sometimes it really got to you. One day in particular it really wore you down. You had woken up in a bad mood. You were cramping and got barely any sleep the night before. You spilled your coffee on the way to work and didn't have time to eat breakfast because your alarm never went off. That was all wearing you down before you even got to work. As you got out of your car and made your way inside, some guy walking but cat called you. You rolled your eyes and kept walking. Soon you were in the elevator, on the way to the floor you work on. The elevator door was closing until it got stopped by one of your coworkers from the same floor as you. He was one of the guys that made your job difficult. As soon as he was in the elevator he started telling you what needed to be done for the day. You had been at this job longer than him, you knew what to do. You just tuned him out as you ascended to the right floor. You quickly left the elevator and went to clock in as soon as the doors opened. The rest of the day continued like this. Your coworkers telling you how to do your job and you just tuning them out. It was all fine until the end of your shift. One of your coworkers approached your desk and leaned on it, snapping his fingers in your face to get your attention. You bit your tongue, desperately wanting to say something about it, but knowing you can't because your at work.
"You know, you could do so much better" he said to you. You didn't say anything. You didn't really know how to reply.
"You need to step up your game. Get more work done" he continued. That's when you started to get angry. This guy had only been working here for a year and barely did his own job. You went above and beyond with your own work and often ended up doing other peoples work as well. Desperately wanting to avoid confrontation you quickly finished up your work. He kept throwing comments your way. Saying how "typical" it was for you to give him the silent treatment. You were quickly getting more and more frustrated as you walked over to clock out. This guy doesn't stop and follows you as you do. He clocks out as well and you try to get to the elevator before him, but he keeps up with you. He keeps saying stuff as you descend to the bottom floor. You can feel your finger nails digging into your palm as you clench your fists. You briefly look down and see you knuckles are white. Once out the door you are greeted by Logan. He see's how angry you look and is quick to react. He pulls you into a hug, his arms wrapped around your shoulders as yours wrap tightly around his torso. You let out an aggravated sigh as you bury your face in his chest. You faintly hear your coworker scoff and walk away.
"He's gone" Logan says softly. You pull away slightly and look up at him. He smiles down at you slightly before kissing you. You instantly kiss back as your arms travel around his neck. He pulls away and rests his forehead against yours.
"Do you want to go to the (favorite restaurant) right down the street, darling?" He asks you. A soft smile makes its way to your face as you nod.

Janus: ⚠️body dismorphia⚠️
Body positivity was something you always struggled with. No matter how many times people complimented you, you never seemed to believe them. Especially when it came to weight. Some days it got worse than others. One particular day, was date night with Janus. You were planning a dinner date at your house. Janus was gonna bring carry out from Olive Garden, and you were going to have a picnic in your back yard. Janus came by early, when you weren't expecting him too. He quietly walked into your house and tried to find you. When he did, his happy mood dropped to a concerned one. You were standing in your bedroom, facing the body length mirror in just a button up shirt and your undergarments. You were crying and poking at and pinching your skin, quietly judging yourself.
Janus was quick to act as he walked in front of you, blocking your view of the mirror. You gasped as you pulled your shirt closed in an attempt to cover yourself. Without speaking he brought his hand to your cheek and ran his thumb across your cheekbone, rubbing some tears away. You looked down shamefully, embarrassed to be seen like this.
After a few moments of silence, Janus spoke up.
"Come on my love, let's go sit down and talk" he spoke softly. Almost as if he feared you would shatter if he spoke to loud. You simply nodded as he led you to your bed, his hand resting on the small of your back. He sat down and you sat next to him as his arms wrapped around you. You told him everything. From the insecurities, to the people telling you were wrong. You just vented to him. And he listened, which you were very grateful for. After you were done you felt his hands cup you face and move your head to look at him. He smiled at you lovingly and kissed you on your nose.
"I'm not going to say your opinion is wrong, because it's your opinion, but I completely disagree with you." Janus said. You couldn't help but smile weakly at him. "I think you are absolutely gorgeous. Flaws and all. There isn't a thing I would change about you, because you're you, and that's enough"
You laughed softly as he pulled you into him and kissed you.
"I'm gonna get dressed and we can go eat." You said when you pulled away. "Thank you"
You kissed him again and stood up. He smiled as he walked out.

Remus:⚠️body insecurities⚠️
Remus knew people have been giving you a hard time at work. You had recently done something to cause a really bad breakout. You didn't know what you did, but something happened and people at work were making fun of you. This didn't help the fact that you were already insecure.
Remus decided that he needed to do something. So he did. While you were asleep, he put his plan into action.
When your alarm went off you sat up and groaned. Dreading the work day ahead. You slowly got up as you went to grab your work outfit. You noticed the mirror above your dresser was covered with a blanket. Thinking nothing of it, you walked to the bathroom to take a shower. You walked in the door and was confused to see the body mirror and the mirror above the sink also covered with blankets. You went to take them down but you were cut off with a scream when you felt something touch your waist. You quickly turned around to be met face to face with Remus and a now wide open shower curtain. You let out a sigh of relief as you brought your hand to your chest, trying to steady your heart.
You looked at him as you caught you breath.
"What was that for?" You laughed out, not even bothering to ask why he was here or how you got in.
"You can't move the blankets" he stated matter-of-factly.
"Why not?" You questioned. You were very confused at this point. Remus pouted slightly and pulled you into him, wrapping his arms around you. He rested his chin on your shoulder as he held you tightly.
"You haven't been liking what you've been seeing, so I'm your mirror now. If you need to know how you look, you come to me and I'll tell you exactly how beautiful you are." He said softly. You've never really seen him so serious before. You couldn't stop the smile from forming on your face. You pulled away from him slightly before pulling him into a kiss. You separated and leaned your forehead against his.
"Thank you" you mumbled to him. He smiled at you before picking you up. You let out a yelp and he carried you to your bed.
"You're calling off work today" he said as he cuddled up to you. You laughed and rolled your eyes before grabbing your phone and calling your work, very happy for your weird boyfriend.

Thanks for reading and I hope you enjoyed! Leave requests or ideas in the comments!
Peace out witches, warlocks, and nonbinary wizards!

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