Chapter Six: Flying

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My first couple of classes were uneventful and my next lesson was flying my first class without pansy. Luckily Harry, Ron and Hermione were in that's class.

"Good afternoon class" Madam Hooch said crisply as she made her way onto the field. 

"Welcome to your first flying lesson, well what are you all waiting for".

"Right everyone step to the left side of your broomstick." 

"Come on now, hurry up!"

 "Stick your right hand over the broom and say 'up'" she instructed sharply.

A  chorus of "up's" followed. 

"Up" "Up" Uup"

"WOW" said Harry as his broom flew straight into his palm like a magnetic force was pulling them together, an amazed look on his face. 

I looked around to see how the other students were doing. Hermione seemed to be struggling to get her broom to lift more than a few feet off the ground. I turned my head at the sound of sneering only to see that Malfoy seemed to have no problem in commanding his broom. Turning back to face my friends I watched as Ron struggled to even lift his broom off the ground that was until he gave one heavy 'UP' and his broom bolted upright and hit him square in the head, which in turn caused Harry and I to snicker. "Oh shut up Harry and you too (Y/N)". Ron said with a huff.  

I turned back to my broom and gave a clear "Up" and Luckily for me my broom did just as I said as it rose straight into my hand.

"Now, once you've got a hold of your broom, I want you to mount it" she commanded.

"Grip it tight, you don't want to be sliding off the end"

"When I blow my whistle, I want each of you to kick off the ground hard, keep your brooms steady, hover for a moment, then lean forward slightly and touch back down". She instructed sternly, pacing up and down the line.

"On my whistle: three, two-" *Phwwwwwhht*

Almost immediately Neville's broom took off rising off the ground, it was clear to say he had no control over it.

"Mr Longbottom!" Madam Hooch exclaimed.

Neville however didn't answer his face grew pale as his broom started drifting higher, his knuckles were starting to turn white from how hard he was gripping his broom. 

"Mr -Mr -Mr Longbottom!" stuttering Madam Hooch tried again.

Neville's face drained of colour and started to turn a pale green as his broom decided to take him for a ride speeding off and up, as Madam Hooch tried desperately to get his attention from down below.

"Come back down this instant!" Madam Hooch shouted up at him.

"Help!" He cried hoarsely as his broom shot around the courtyard, his body wobbling on the broom. The broom threw him left and right summersaulting and doing loop the loops, if it wasn't for his deathly tight grip he would have fallen off by now. 

The broom drove fast towards the castle wall bounding against it head first then tail end continuously repeating before taking a nose dive straight towards the courtyard spiralling directly towards the rest of the class. 

Madam Hooch withdrew her wand to try to stop the broom.

"Mr Longbottom" she tried once again before cutting herself off realising that he was heading far to close to the class that had crowded together. the class split in two while Madam Hooch (being the best goalie) dived to the side. 

Neville's broom took him straight through the split class and through a small arch before bolting upright and heading straight towards a statue holding a spear, where his robes got ripped hooking on him and effectively pulling him off the out of control broom and leaving him dangling from the bottom of his robes several feet above the courtyard. Everyone was silent you could hear your heartbeat in your ears and the ever so soft cry for help from Neville. 


a small scream of terror erupted as Neville's robes tore and he fell about 20ft before getting caught once again on a pole causing him to slip out of his robes and fall a remaining 10ft before hitting the solid ground with a thud, students flocking round him.

"Everyone out of the way!" Madam Hooch's voice boomed with authority as she rushed over pushing through the crowd of people. and rushing over to Neville helping him sit up.

"Ow, Ow, Ow" Neville moaned in pain.

"Ooh, Ooh, Ooh, oh dear, its a broken wrist" she stated examining his wrist he was clutching to his chest.

It didn't escape my eye when Malfoy bent down to pick something up I couldn't see what it was. I only knew he was planning something, something stupid.

 "Everyone is to keep their feet firmly on the ground, while I take Mr Longbottom to the hospital wing. Understand? If I see a single broom in the air the one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say 'Quidditch'". she sassed sternly fully meaning every word.

As soon as madam hooch left the training ground Malfoy started being a jerk about Neville making fun of him for not being able to control his broom.

"Did you see his face?" he sneered "Maybe if the fat lump had given this a squeeze" he said holding up the object in his hand which was in fact Neville's Remembrall. "he'd remember to fall on his fat arse". He jeered. I could have swore his gaze lingered on me for longer than it should have, no that couldn't be right..

Harry getting rather tired of Draco's mouth desired to take it upon himself to stick up for Neville. "Give it here Malfoy" Harry spat irritated and stood up to him holding out his hand.

"No I don't think I will, I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find... how about on the roof" he said as he confidently kicked off the ground and flew about 10 feet in the air.

Of course he would know how to fly, I rolled my eyes. His father would have got him flying lessons from a young age being in a pure-blood family and all.

Harry on the other hand looked nervous as he firmly gripped his broom. He kicked up off the ground about 5 feet looked down at his classmates then back at Malfoy.

"What's the matter Potter? Bit beyond your reach?" His smug little face mocked.

"Give it here Malfoy or ill knock you off your broom!, this isn't funny" he said, as he sored up higher on his broom ,glaring at the blonde boy.

"Is that so?, Have it your way then, If you want it that bad catch" he said throwing it aiming for one of the Hogwarts towers a satisfied smirk on his face.

Harry wasted no time zooming after it, he flew his hand outstretched trying to catch it. The wind in his eyes making him squint barely able to see it. He was heading closer and closer to the tower he was going to crash he was going to go head first into it. I covered my eyes unable to watch my friend hit the tower. Just then I heard cheering all around me and I uncovered my eyes and looked up there was Harry safely still on his broom holding the Remembrall a smile plastered on his face. He slowly swooped down towards the ground and got off his broom.

Just then we heard quick tapping of heels headed towards us we turned to see professor McGonagall swiftly yet briskly walking towards us her lips pressed in a firm line her facial expression was unreadable.

"Harry Potter" McGonagall called neither harsh nor soft she really is unreadable "follow me". I could have sworn Malfoy looked super proud of himself seeing Harry pulled out of class, he had a smirk evident on his face as he high fived his friends. I glared at him and when he noticed my piercing glare his smirk dropped. Good he should be ashamed of himself I thought to myself before heading back to the common room.

Guys this is the longest chapter I have done hope you all enjoyed it let me know what you think of the story so far. 

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