Chapter One: King's Cross

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King's Cross station was packed with muggles, bustling trolleys and people shoving and barging to get to their trains on time. The intercom echoed with departure times as trains came and left the stations. The train conductor blew his whistle as the 10:45 train left the depo. There was only 15 minutes left before the Hogwarts express was due to leave. This is when (y/n) Black and her father Regulus Black walked between platform 9 and 10 for the first time.

Your Pov

As we stepped out onto the platform the first thing I noticed was the enormous red steam train it was beautiful. As I walked closer the smell of coal became stronger and the chattering became louder and louder. Hundreds of children were with their parents saying goodbye and boarding to red train. My stomach did a flip as I imagined what Hogwarts would be like. I've always imagined my first day going to Hogwarts but now that it's actually happening it's all a bit nerve wracking.

"Dad, what house do you think I will be sorted into?" I asked nervous of his answer would be. I've heard all the rumours' about Slytherins being all purebloods and that a member of the black house not getting in would be a disgrace to the family and the Gryffindor's being the most annoying, egotistical house.

"Well Dear, I think its up to you what house you are to be in the sorting hat will base it on who you are inside." My father said crouching in front of me and looking up at me in the eyes, one hand softly clasping mine while the other gently tucked a stray piece of hair behind my ears, tenderly brushing against my cheek.

"Is there a house you want me to be in?" You asked shyly looking at him through your eyelashes.

"Any house would be a good house Dear I don't care whether you are in Slytherin or Gryffindor or even Hufflepuff or Ravenclaw, they would all be lucky to have you." he smiled placing a soft kiss on your temple before standing back up. (we love a soft Regulus)

"Thanks dad I'm just nervous about not being able to make friends" I answer honestly, I could never hide anything from my dad I've always been really open with him since he is with me. "sweetheart anyone would be lucky to be friends with you". He smiled before kissing my forehead and hugging me before giving my trunks to the train assistant. "I'll write to you" I said. Turning one last time to give a small smile and wave before I gripped the metal handles and boarded the crowded train.

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