Chapter Five: Pain Filled Past

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I woke up around 7:00 to my alarm going off. It my first day of school today. I got out of bed and slipped on my fluffy grey slippers before walking to my on-suit and quickly taking a shower. When I got out I quickly dried my hair and brushed it so it was at least some what presentable and got changed into my robes. I made sure I had all of my books I would need before heading two doors down to pansy's room.

'Knock knock'
"pansy are you ready to go get some food?" I ask waiting for her to respond.

"Yeah coming" she said as she opened the door already dressed and with her books.

The walk to the great hall wasn't that far luckily so when we got there there was plenty of space for us to sit away from the others.

"So (y/n) what class are you most looking forward to? Mines DADA." Pansy said as she ate her waffles and pancakes.

"Hmm well... I think maybe potions I always wanted to practice when I was younger but my dad didn't want me to meddle around with potions. My dad was really good at it too when he was at school he was top of his class". I said as I recall having the conversation with him.

Flashback to when I was 6

"Daddy why can't I practice making potions?" I said looking up at him sadly.

"I've already told you Dear potions can be dangerous and your too young you would need someone to teach you what each ingredient does". He said looking down at me on his lap.

" but daddy your good at potions you could teach me" I pleaded. Daddy always told me how good he was when he was in school.

"I'm afraid I'm not as good as I was then besides daddy has other work to do and if something happened to you while I should be watching you I would never forgive myself, I don't want you to end up like your mother". He mumbled the last part.

End of flashback

A stray tear dropped down my cheek and dropped onto the table. Pansy looked at me in alarm.

"I-I'm sorry (y/n) I didn't mean to bring back a painful memory, oh god I'm really not good at this comforting thing." She said while looking at me. I had told Pansy about my mum last night while we unpacked. She was someone I could trust and she understood the situation based on pure-blood family traditions.


"Reggie are you sure they will be ok with this? You've told me about what was it, pure blood traditions. Won't the fact that we are married upset them especially since they don't know. I really don't want to be on your family's angry side especially as this is my first time meeting them." A young small petite brunette lady with blue eyes and pink cheeks said clinging onto her husbands arm.

"No Maggie it will be fine trust me if they even try to do anything, you know I'll be there with you." He said lifting her chin up with his fingers, and staring into her light blue eyes. "But they need to know there's only so long we will be able to hide this for especially as we are with child. They are already getting so big dear look". He said bending down slightly to place both his hands round her large bump. He lent down to give her a soft peck on the lips before tucking a stray hair behind her ear.

"Ok Reggie I trust you, but can I ask a favour?" She said looking into his sparkling grey eyes.
"Of course dear anything". He said focusing all his attention on her.

"When we go in there please don't leave me on my own I'm already anxious as it is to meet your parents because I'm a what is it... muggle-born." She said looking off to the side unable to look him in the eye. "You don't have to worry dear I won't leave your side". He said.

It all happened to fast one second that's all he was away for one second he was out of the room, and when he came back she was laying on the floor. Her face contorted in pain, and her skin pale. Her head dripping in sweat as a stray tear escaped her eye. 

Walburga black was sat on the black leather sofa the only other one in the room. She had a small smirk on her face and a calm complexion despite the other woman withering in pain on the floor. Orion black entered the room taking no mind of the woman and walked straight over to Walburga and sat down.

"I hope son you have realised your mistake bringing a filthy mudblood into the house of black really what were you thinking she doesn't belong here she is filth" Walburga spat venomously yet calmly while taking a sip of her red wine.

"I'm sorry Maggie this is all my fault, you deserved so much better than this." Regulus sobbed into her chest before apperating to St. Mungos hospital.

"Please you have to help me my wife was cursed she's with child please tell me that they will make it" Regulus shouted to the receptionists as they rolled Maggie into the operating room.

Hours pasted and regulus was loosing his mind he felt so frustrated at himself thinking that his parents would except her Fullwell knowing their upbringing and now he wasn't even sure if his other half would survive.

"Regulus Black" a nurse said.

"Yes" He said a bit to loudly as he shot out of his chair.

"Follow me" she said as she lead him down a corridor into a operating room.

"unfortunately your wife suffered from a really powerful unforgivable curse her vitals are stable but she's unresponsive, we think it may have had an effect on her mentally more than physically. me and the others have agreed it would be in her best care to have her stay here so we can give her the best medical treatment." She said.

"what about the baby?" he said sadly as he looked at the bed where his beloved Maggie sit motionlessly staring at a white wall.

"We were able to save the baby as your wife was due within the next couple of weeks, there doesn't seem to be any complications and your baby girl is perfectly healthy, although we would like to keep her here for a couple more tests." She said as she looked at me.

"It's a girl....I have a daughter" he said with a small smile.

"Yes she seems to be doing just fine at the moment if you would like me to bring her to you, but the extra tests are to make sure she will stay ok a unforgivable curse it can have different effects and we want to make sure she won't have any."

"I understand could you bring her for me id like to se her." He said while Maggie's hand a small squeeze.

The nurse left to go get the baby and regulus looked at Maggie with sorrow. "We have a daughter Maggie I'm just so sorry you aren't able to experience this, I should have never taken you to that place." He said brushing her hair out of her face and tucking it behind her ear before leaving a soft kiss on her forehead.

"Here she is" the nurse said coming back in with a small wrapped up baby in a pink blanket. She passed her to me and I knew I could do this for her and for Maggie.

"What will you name her?" The nurse asked.

I'll name her (y/n) - (y/n) Black.

End of flashback

"No I-it's ok pansy" I said wiping the tear from my cheek. I missed not having my mum around  but my dad did such a good job raising me on his own that sometimes I forget that I do have a mum. I guess it's just that Certain milestones I wish she was here to see. 

Pansy could see that I was still having a hard time and she came round to my side of the table and gave my shoulder a squeeze.
"Thank you" I said giving her a small smile.

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