Chapter Three: The Sorting Hat

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Upon arriving at the platform a large man dressed in an overly large brown fur coat with a bushy beard called Hagrid led us to some boats.

"Only 3 to a boat, off you go now then" he said loudly for everyone to hear his booming voice echoing off of everything.

Me, Harry and Ron all got into a boat together and I saw the girl from earlier Hermione was it, got into the boat next to us.

As we were drifting on the calm steady water I was busy looking at the stars in the clear black sky, until a dark shadow of fog cast over us. As the fog cleared I was astonished to see a huge castle with thousands of little glowing lights come into view.

As we stepped out of the boats we all were whispering about what classes we would take and what houses we wanted to be in. I over heard this blonde boy talking to two others about being in Slytherin and making his father proud, and heard a brunette boy talking about looking forward to taking Herbology.

Walking up the path to Hogwarts took ages but the scenery was incredible you could see all the way to the black lake which my father had told me about and to this little hut tucked away in the corner the other side.

When we finally did get inside the castle we were instructed to wait at the top of the stairs outside these huge double doors surrounded by carvings of knights. That's when the blonde boy I overheard earlier, who I found out was called Draco Malfoy, started being rude to Ron and Harry after he declined his friendship. I could already tell that he was going to be a problem.

That was all gladly interrupted when a women in long emerald green robes and a pointy hat cleared her throat at the top of the stairs.

"Welcome to Hogwarts. The start-of-term banquet will begin shortly, but before you take your seats in the Great Hall, you will be Sorted into your houses. They are Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Ravenclaw and Slytherin. While your here your houses will be like your family I expect you to treat each other as such. Now if you will all follow me."

After her speech we all followed her through the two doors into a room crowded with people sat on four separate tables each assorted into their house colours. We walked to the front of the banquet hall and stood eagerly and nervously waiting for our names to be read from a scroll.

"Susan Bones" she read out as a ginger haired girl shuffled slowly to the chair where the sorting hat was her cheeks tinted red.

"HUFFLEPUFF" the Hufflepuff table clapped and cheered.

"Hermione Granger" Hermione walked to the chair mumbling to herself.

"GRYFFINDOR" the Gryffindor table erupted into cheers.

"Ronald Weasley" Ron looked back and I gave him a small thumbs up as he walked to the chair.

"Ahh another Weasley I know just what to do with you" the sorting hat said slowly. "Better be GRYFFINDOR".

"Harry Potter"

"A potter ay better be GRYFFINDOR"

"Draco Malfoy"

But before the hat was even put on his head properly the sorting hat already shouted "SLYTHERIN". 

Draco smugly walked to the far right table and sat with all the other Slytherins looking rather proud of himself.

Yep he's defiantly gonna be trouble. I know about the Malfoys and what they think of muggles and muggle-borns having grown up with my father and the rare few visits to see my grandparents. 

A few others took their turn getting sorted into their houses.

"(Y/n) Black"

I heard my name being called and slowly moved towards the chair. Oh god what house am I gonna be in, I thought as I sighed.

The hat slowly was placed on my head, time seemed to slow down as everyone's eyes where on me. God why do they make us do this is first year it's nerve wracking.

"SLYTHERIN" the Slytherin table cheered as I made my way over and took a seat next to a girl called Pansy.

After everyone had been sorted we tucked into the feast. I looked up eyes darting across the hall to look at the Gryffindor table my eyes meeting Harrys I gave him a small smile before turning my head back to the people I was sat by. I decided I might as well try to make a friend in my house seeing as everyone else is in Gryffindor.

"I'm (y/n) Black" I said to Pansy who was sitting on my right.

"I'm Pansy Parkinson" she said extending her hand to me which I took.

"Nice to meet you. I don't really have any other friends to be honest not many people want to be friends with me" I said honestly hoping that she wouldn't push me away because of my family's history.

"Well you have me" she said giving me a sly smile before taking another bite of her apple. As we continued to talk about everything we wanted to do at Hogwarts.

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