Chapter Two: On The Train

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(Your Pov)

If I thought that the platform was crowded that was an understatement the train was heaving with students weaving in and out of each other in the narrow hallway. It was impossible not to loose your way for those who don't know where their going. Through the crowd I could see that most of the compartments were filled with older students already busy talking about what they did during the holiday. As I continued walking down the train the compartments seemed to not be as crowded, now a new mission would to be to find somewhere to sit and try to make friends or at least a friend.

A little way down I came across a compartment that had only two people in a boy with messy brown hair and glasses and a boy with bright ginger hair. I gently tapped on the window to get their attention.

"Excuse me, umm ... is it alright if I sit with you all the other compartments are rather full?"

"Of course" said the boy with the brown hair and glasses.

"Thank you" I mumbled shyly.

"What's your name?"  asked the boy with ginger hair.

"I'm (y/n)- (y/n) Black" I mumbled. I've always been afraid people would react badly when they heard my surname because of all the rumours.

The ginger boy and the brunette locked eyes for a second before they smiled at each other.

"Black as in Sirius Black? " they questioned in-sync.

"U-um as in Regulus Black, Sirius Black is my uncle b-but my dad and him had a falling out years ago so naturally I never met him." I said looking down at my hands folded on my lap not wanting to see their reactions.

"Really!" said the ginger boy. "That's Harry's Godfather you know, he got into a bit of trouble a while ago and him and Harry's dad were best mates, still are to this day actually. He said as a matter of fact, his mouth stuffed with a sandwich.

"Harry is it?" I asked.

"Yes I'm Harry- Harry Potter nice to meet you (y/n) Black and this is Ron- Ron Weasley" He pointed at his ginger friend who gave a smug smile his mouth still full of sandwich.

A few hours later

Harry brought us all some sweets even though I told him I could pay for mine, but he just gave me a smile and Ron just told me it better to just except it which I gratefully did. After getting to know Harry and Ron a bit better I found out they have known each other since they were little as they're parents have been friends with each other since their school days. I also found out they have a love for quidditch and both their families have a long line of being in Gryffindor. So its probably safe to say that they will both be in Gryffindor. 

While lost in thought a knock at the door snapped me out of it.

A girl with bushy brown hair, dressed in long black robes was stood just outside the door looking rather excited "Has anyone seen a toad a boy called Neville's lost one?" she said shaking her head with every word.

"No I haven't seen one in here sorry" I said.

"I'm Hermione Granger by the way" she said quickly.

"I-I'm (y/n) Black and this is Harry Potter and Ron Weasley" I said pointing to each of them in turn.

"Nice to meet you (y/n) and you both too, you should probably change into your robes I bet we will be arriving soon, I'm going to go ask the other compartments if they've seen a toad so I'll see you when we arrive. She said rather quickly before leaving, but not two seconds later she was back " You've got dirt on your nose you know just there" she said locking eyes with Ron, pointing to the side of her nose before disappearing to the left of the compartment.

"Do I really harry?!" Ron said his mouth agape in embarrassment his cheeks tinted red. Harry just snickered until Ron nudged him with his elbow in the side by then he was in fits of giggles even I started giggling. "Why didn't you tell me" he groaned, but even he couldn't help the smile that came to his face .

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