I give half of my plate's content to Levi who is glaring at Jean. That's when I notice that most of them are now staring at us without a care. I look back at Levi, who's eyes are clearly showing, at least to those who can read them, how uncomfortable he is. A sudden burst of anger fills me and I feel a need to scream at every single one of them. ENOUGH. That's enough for me. I'm done.

I get up and speak to the whole annoyingly curious audience that sits in front of me.

"Listen and listen closely. I don't need to explain myself, neither does he. I know it seems sudden but it has been going on for a while. We're together as you obviously noticed. That's all you need to know so you can stop staring now that you have the official words on what's going on. You can judge me on being a fucking monster, but I won't let you judge my love life. I hope this is clear enough for everyone because you don't want me to repeat, believe me."

I turn to Levi, who's facial expression is a mix of surprise and proudness.

"Levi, I love you!" I say loud enough for all of them to hear.

I grab the back of his chair and lean in for a kiss. He not only returns it but slides his fingers through my necklace to pull me closer. The kiss doesn't last long but it seems like it went on forever. For once, I stood on my grounds and I feel the power that he probably feels every day from being such a strong and stubborn human being.

When I back away, the first person I see is Mikasa who glares at Levi. I move closer to him as I glare at her. Jean is laughing and Armin shoots him a warning glare as he keeps kicking him under the table. The others just smile. Genuine smiles. Sasha's mouth is about to explode but somehow she still manages to let her teeth show through the pieces of half-chewed bread. Connie scoots a bit closer to her and smiles at me too. Are these two... ? Nevermind... Hanji is having an agitated conversation with Erwin, who just walked in on my little speech.

"Commander, is this a joke?" Jean asks, pointing at us.

I glance at my lover who is still sitting beside me. Levi calmly wipes his mouth with a tissue and gets up to walk towards Jean. He won't hurt him, certainly not. Not with how injured he was and still is. I'm sure of it. But he clearly is going to do something though. I follow him but stay further behind.

"A joke?" Levi asks, looking down at him with crossed arms.

"I...I m-mean..." Jean stutters.

"Well? I'd like to laugh too, Jean. Explain your "joke" to me." Levi insists, a warning glare in his eyes.

The room becomes awfully quiet as Jean stutters again. The guy is clearly not scared of me. We do fight and argue like this all the time. He is not used to Levi arguing though but I am pretty sure he remembers the last time he had a little chat with him.


All of a sudden. Levi grabs Jean by his shirt with his uninjured arm and makes him stand up just to throw him back onto the table. He tightens his grip around the collar of Jean's shirt and brings his face an inch away from his ear.

"If you dare call Eren and I a joke again, I will make sure that your death becomes one. Am I being clear shit-face?"

He turns to me before continuing.

"Oi, not shit-face. How do you call him Eren? Oh, Horse-face... yes. Horse-face, get back to your own shitty business. Don't make me angry, because if you think this is angry, you haven't seen anything yet."

He roughly lets go of his shirt and wipes his hand on his pants before crossing his arms again.

"Sit with your friends, Eren. They have questions plastered all over their idiotic faces. In the meantime I'll go finish my now cold tea."

But since we're going to die hereحيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن