Chapter 15

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Dustin's P.O.V.

One week. One week away from Sky and Jeffrey's wedding. It has been one intense and insane three months. I still can't believe it. Aiden and I have been living with Jacob for three months and even if I wanted to, I could never leave him. Aiden has completely done a three sixty where Jacob is concerned.

If I questioned my love for him, the day I found him patiently, attentively and so lovingly attending Aiden helped me to completely surrender to my intense emotions for Jacob. Aiden loves Jacob although I must admit that 'Uncle Sky" as he tenderly has dubbed him, has completely taken over Aiden's heart.

Jacob has given us so much. Aiden has this room I like to call the TOY FACTORY. I giggle to myself as I remember all of the shopping sprees between Jacob and Sky. You name it, Aiden now owns it. It's shameless really how they have all spoiled my little man to no end.

As for myself, I sleep with Jacob in his room. He too has gone completely off the deep end when it comes to my needs. He has given me everything I now own from all kinds of clothes and accessories to electronic items such as phone, laptop, Ipod etc... I mean really who needs all this crap.

Honestly, I don't think I could sleep anywhere else but in his arms and vice versa. I mean we did try but Jacob had nightmares and the moment I got into bed with him, they seemed to have stopped so I was relieved.

During these past three months we have learned more about our bodies. No inch of skin left unexplored and as much as I'm happy with the way my life is turning out there is one thing missing. Jacob and I still have not made love. He is terrified and I know this will take time but unfortunately I'm a dude and I crave this one final connection with him that I know will complete us.

I'm so afraid to push him and send him spiralling back to his former self. This is why I now sit in the livingroom awaiting Sky's arrival. Aiden is spending the day with Jacob at work. It was the most hysterical sight to behold as he bought Aiden a three piece suit and a miniature briefcase just for today. Yeah you know I took a picture of that.

Aiden will be starting pre-school in the fall and the excitement is there for the both of us. I know that soon Jacob is going to want to discuss my future as well, a conversation I dread having as I have no clue what I want to do with the rest of my life. Up until a few months ago Aiden was it for me. It scares me to have to think about myself now.

I hear the front door open and in strolls Sky. "Dustin is everything okay? When you said you really needed to talk to me I started having a panic attack.", he says. "I need your help. I-I-I... oh God!", I try to say but my embarressment renders me almost speechless.

"You two haven't had sex yet have you?", he asks. I nod my agreement all to ashamed to even speak. Sky then says, "Dustin you don't have anything to be ashamed of. We all have needs including Jacob and believe me when I say that his needs are taking a front seat to just about everything else. He has had more conversations with Jeff in the past three weeks alone and I could only guess about what but now here with you has confirmed my suspicions."

"What would those be?", I ask him timidly and he responds, "He is almost close to caving in and if what you want is my advice then here it is plain and simple. You are going to have to seduce Jacob. Take the desire you both have and flood him with such intense need he won't know what hit him. I love him. He's the closest thing I have to a brother and I know from experience when I say this, once he crosses this one last obstacle, he will finally be free."

I smiled with genuine affection as Sky has become one of my closest confidants. "So the question now is, when do you want to begin "Plan Seduce My Man" into bed.", he chuckles out. "I don't know I guess I'll have to think up some ideas.", I respond.

"If you need some suggestions here is one, you've gotten to know each other very well and you know what his weaknesses are. What about you is it that drives him wild? Use that to your advantage and the rest will fall into place. There's only so much a man can take. Now, come feed me because you can cook your ass off and I'm starving then we can brainstorm.", Sky says.

I like to think of Sky as my hunger surviver. We both know what that's like. In a lot of ways he and I are alike and I feel that's why I've gravitated towards him but mostly it's Aiden. He instantly fell for Sky and that trust could not be overlooked so here I find myself, with the truest of friends plotting the love of my life's sexual demise. I think to myself, let the games begin...

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