Chapter 12

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Dustin's P.O.V.

"My story is only known by four people that I trust with my life.", Jacob says to me with resignation. "Most people think that Jeff and I are the friends that we are because practically from the womb we've known each but that's not the case. Our bond became strongest one night seventeen years ago." He takes a deep breath and I can see the fear in his eyes. I take my hand and place it gently onto his chest over his heart. It's beating so hard so I try to calm him down by just rubbing that spot gently.

He continues, "My father was a pretty fucked up bastard. I was an only child and my mother had unexpectedly died when I was twelve. He seemed to have been obsessed with me but I never knew. Who does at that age. Jeff was always around and with his family being more powerful and influential than my father, he tolerated his presence." He closed his eyes, opened them and looked over at me and instantly I knew that whatever happened to him was way worse than anything I had ever gone through.

"The night that my life changed forever was one of the few nights that Jeff wasn't able to come over and that was all the opportunity my father needed. I don't really remember what time is was just that it was late. I'd gone to sleep shortly after dinner and I would find out later on why. When I woke up, I was chained and hanging in the air slightly in the corner of a very scary looking room. I would find out later on that it was my father's S&M room. There were handcuffs on my wrists and ankles that were then connected to chains that were nailed into the walls so that my legs and arms were spread apart. I realize as the groggyness of sleep disappeared that I'm naked. He had drugged me.

Then I see him walk towards me. My father's holding a whip in his hand and is completely naked with a hard on and the fear in me has my heart pounding in my ears. I go to ask him why he is doing this but then I realize he's gagged me. Oh God, in that moment all I wanted was to die before he began because I knew deep down inside it's going to be really bad."

By now, my eyes are so wide as Jacob is hysterical crying. I just want to hold him in my arms and tell him that I won't ever let anyone hurt him again. NEVER! He starts to undo the buttons on his shirt and keeps talking, "He walks behind me and starts to touch me everywhere and to my ever lasting shame my twelve year old little body becomes aroused. I didn't even know what that was. Then, unimaginable pain as he strikes me for the first time with the whip. Over and over he swings and he finally stops. The pain is so profound that I'm pretty sure I passed out at some point but I was to learn all too soon that there was something worse than being whipped. Bleeding, terrified and feeling like my skin was on fire I regained consciousness." He stopped and stood right infront of me having taken off his shirt and turned around and my intake of breath and the sound of his sobbing completely broke me.

I stood up and walked over to him. I wasn't sure how to proceed so I went with my gut. I gently pressed my lips to his back. I kissed every single scar. A total of twenty lashes criss crossing his back. I find myself alternating lips and fingers up and down and across his back. Anything to make him understand that I could never be disgusted by him. That I love him.

Yet he still goes on is a whisper, "He stands behind me. I'm mumbling through the gag for him to stop. He takes my waist in his hands and tightly holds onto to me as he jams his big hard p-pen-is into my tiny twelve year old ass and I passed out from the agony and onslaught of that one move. I later discovered that he raped me and would have repeatedly and probably have killed me in the process because honestly with what he had done, the damage was profound. There was just one thing he forgot to do. I fell asleep with Jeff on the phone and at some point the phone went into my pajama shirt pocket so my father never knew that Jeff heard everything. He got his father and they were able to get to me but it was, ofcourse to late for me but for my father, it would come to a complete end. When Jeff walked into the room first, he lost all his sanity, picked up what turned out to be a baseball bat and with the strength that a twelve year old normally doesn't have, he beat my dad to death.

"I've never been with anyone. I classify myself as gay because of that night but Jeff says I'm a virgin until I choose who I want to be with. This day has haunted me until I met you.", he turns to me as he says this. "I've NEVER wanted, needed, desired anyone in my life until YOU. God you're my first kiss. I don't understand what my body does half the time when I'm around you. I only know that I can't hold back anymore. It hurts soooooooo much not being near you.", he all but whispers to me.

I look him in the eyes, take his face in my hands, press my body against his and kiss him with everything that's inside my soul letting him know beyond a shadow of a doubt that I AM HIS. There is such ferocity behind his lips when he reciprocates that I pull away slightly and look at his face. I run one of my hands gently up and down the side of his face and said, "I can change all of that for you. Let me show you how much I love you." With one hell of a sexy smile he leads me into his bedroom...

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