Something I Will Never Miss

Start from the beginning

Jin slammed his hot cocoa on the table, silencing Minho if only for a moment. Minho looked off into the distance, taking a swig of his coffee.

"Forgot how defensive you get about him."

"He's my best friend, Minho, in case you forgot." Jin sneered before he could catch himself. His voice was rough and scratchy from the cold and lack of use.

Something about the sneer flicked something on behind Minho's eyes and Jin knew he took it as a personal attack as he always did when Jin got defensive of anything he loved. The only difference now was it looked like Minho was thinking before he spoke, which was new.

"Riiight. Looks like you two are still two peas in a pod, huh?" His eyes squinted, calculated, and the look made Jin want to curl into himself but he refused. Those days were over.

"He's been my best friend for as long as I remember and us breaking up didn't change that." As if you're that important.

Minho snorted. "How could I forget. He was the reason we broke up. Did you ever tell him why? That it was his fault?"

Jin laughed but it came out more of a dry crackle. "He was never the reason for us breaking up, don't pin your failures on Jimin. You still don't know how to take responsibility and that is something I will never miss."

Minho's eyes flash and Jin could tell all civil conversation was thrown out the window, as was typical of his ex when he heard something he didn't like. There were times when he would get physically violent, not with Jin personally, but Minho would take his anger out on objects close to him. Jin used to have plaster on hand when one of Minho's fists decided to collide with his wall, a habit that frequently occurred. It used to scare Jin terribly but Minho's apologizes always seemed to make him forgive and forget.

But this time was different. Jin wasn't afraid of losing him this time. He wasn't scared that that fist would miss the wall and collide with his cheek instead. This time he was ready for it.

This time Jin wasn't backing down from the confrontation.

"Of course, he was. He was driving a wedge between us, always pulling you away from me. He was always jealous of us." He leaned back, relaxing into his seat like he already won. "Pretty sure, he would've spread his legs for me if I actually responded to his advances."

Lies. Jin knew every word he spoke was lies. Jimin was the loyalist person as one could get.

Jin calmed his breathing. He wouldn't give Minho the satisfaction of seeing him lose his temper. "That's funny coming from a cheater like you." Satisfaction ran through him as he watched his ex's lips tighten.

"If anything, Jimin had the patience of a saint. He could deal without the humiliation of hearing all the shit you spewed about him. But he stayed by me. All the shit you said to your friends. God, I don't miss those asshats one bit. Every single get-together with them was just a slut-shaming fest for all of you. Even with all the shit you said, he never left me. He's more loyal a friend than you ever were as a lover." Jin said bitterly, recalling all the jokes and tauntings they would make about Jimin either to his face or behind his back.

"A saint? Don't make me laugh, Jin. Really? Even with all the shit we said about him it didn't stop him from sleeping with Daniel."

Jin was two seconds from throwing the rest of his porridge in the man's face. He took a few calming breaths. Think before you act. It was something his mom always said to him when he was just hitting puberty and started having fits of random rage. What Minho said didn't, and will never matter to him. Not anymore.

"Not that it's any of your business, but Daniel was the only nice one out of all your douchey friends. Ever noticed how he didn't say shit when you got to talking about Jimin? They dated for a while actually. Behind your back. Before he got transferred to Changwon for work. But you wouldn't know that, would you? All because you can't seem to focus on anyone but yourself."

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