Loki had put up his hands up in surrender. His armour materialised away as he glanced at me.

"Good move," Iron Man said.

He realised I hadn't surrendered yet as he turned his gaze on me.

"How about you short stuff?"

I clenched my jaw upon hearing the nickname. I hated when people said something about my height. It made it worse that most of the people I've encountered since I've been here with Loki were either 6 foot or taller.

I'm still growing bitch!

I was about to crush his suit with him in it until I heard a voice in my head.

"Polaris, stand down and surrender."

I immediately knew it was Loki's voice for he was using telepathy to communicate with me. In frustration, I held my hands up in surrender while I glared up at Iron Man.

I'm going to beat the shit out of this oversized tin can for calling me short.

Captain America looked at Iron Man as he simply said, "Mr. Stark."


-Loki's POV-
Lorna and I were handcuffed but I realised, Lorna was getting more handcuffs placed on her wrists. A chain was placed between our cuffs, connecting Lorna and me. I looked down as I felt a grip on my ankle.

One metal cuff was snapped around my left ankle. It didn't have a chain connecting to the cuff as I was confused. That was until I heard another metal cuff snapping in place. One metal cuff was snapped around Lorna's right ankle. She rolled her eyes while someone connected a chain between our cuffs.

There wasn't much space between us since the chain's length was three feet long at most.

Guess they don't want either of us running off.

She huffed under her breath in annoyance. I knew she hated handcuffs. It reminded her of Thanos, the ship, the Black Order, and the sessions we went through. I pulled away from my thoughts as I heard Lorna's voice in my head.

"What do we now that we have been 'captured?' Surely we aren't going to stand by and do nothing in the meantime."

Just wait. I have a plan though I'm not enthusiastic about what will happen next.

"I'll wait, but now you have me nervous about what's to happen next."

It's not anything serious, just meeting someone who I haven't seen in a while.

Lorna didn't respond after that as I knew that was all she wanted to know.

We got shoved into the Quinjet as Captain America told us to sit down. I was about to until I noticed Lorna was still being stubborn. She stayed still, standing in front of me.

I used to right foot to kick Lorna in her shin as she yelped. As pay back, she slammed her left foot down on top of mine. I jerked my foot back while I winced in pain. I forgot Lorna had some steel toed shoes on. She looked at me amused while she raised an eyebrow, smirking at me.

I sat down as I knew Lorna was doing this on purpose. Being stubborn so I'd snap at her. Making it seem as we aren't too close to one another as they think we are.

Just as we discussed before.

Iron Man snorted when I jerked my foot back while Captain America went up to Lorna. He placed his hands on Lorna's shoulders, forcing her to sit down. In defeat, she complied. However, she cursed in a different Midgardian language while she sat down. 

Captain America took precautions and tied us to the seats. He did this by using the straps that seemed to connect to the seats. It was to prevent us from moving. I rolled my eyes in annoyance as all of this didn't seem necessary. Though, I have to take in consideration that it most likely seemed necessary in their perspective.

I heard Fury's voice over a transmitter. He asked, "Said anything?"

"Not a word from Loki, but I think a curse word in a different language from the girl," Agent Romanoff stated.

Fury was quiet for a second. He just replied saying, "Just get them here. We're low on time."

-Third Person POV-
With Loki and Lorna cuffed and tied up to their seats, Tony and Steve watched them from a distance. They began whispering to one another.

"I don't like it," Steve said while crossing his arms.

"What? Rock of Ages and Little Miss Magnet giving up so easily?" Tony asked.

Steve glanced at Loki and Lorna. "I don't remember it being ever that easy. These two pack a wallop."

Tony looked at Steve and stated, "Still, you are pretty spry, for an older fellow. What's your thing? Pilates?"

Steve pulled his glance away from Loki and Lorna. He looked off to the side in utter confusion. Furrowing his brows, he asked, "What?"

"It's like calisthenics. You might have missed a couple things, you know, doing time as a Capsicle," Tony answered.

Steve looked at Tony, finally meeting his ego match.

"Fury didn't tell me he was calling you in," Steve stated.

Tony sighed saying, "Yeah, there's a lot of things Fury doesn't tell you."

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