Chapter 2: Mystery Guy

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The cafe was cute, baby blue walls, white and black checkered flooring, yellow chairs, wooden tables. It was like the perfect basic cafe in those romcom movies.

Not many people were inside the cafe, maybe 8 or 10 people. You could tell most of the people were on morning dates and others reading the morning paper, except one guy. Dirty blond hair, admirable eyes, light freckles, jeans, and his shirt. It was a shirt of a constellation, Leo I think.

He was looking out the window, he wasn't on his phone, or reading the paper, he was simply staring at the grey sky. It wasn't an interesting day outside. It looked rainy out.

George couldn't help but keep looking at him.

The man looked nice.

George sat down at the table behind him, he ordered a coffee and a croissant. George mainly was looking at his phone with the subtle gaze up. He wondered why the man was looking at the sky, and why he was so intrigued. Nothing was cool about it, grey clouds with a few drops of rain. He looked happy to be there though.

George realized it was raining, he wasn't good at driving in the rain. He looked at his phone and checked the weather warning. It was meant to start pouring rain in an hour.

He didn't feel like leaving yet but he shoved the rest of the croissant in his mouth and left 20$ on the table and left.


He arrived home and sat on the couch. Only thinking about that guy. Who was he? Why was I so intrigued with him? Did I know him from before? Was it because the man looked nice? George couldn't figure it out. It was really weird for him to be so intrigued this quickly.

He looked outside his window and saw it pouring outside. He didn't think twice before he was running outside to his field. He started dancing in the rain freely.

Where he grew up, it barely rained. Which was really weird for England. So when it did he would sit outside and wait for it to stop raining. Those were some of his favourite childhood memories.

He was dancing non stop. He fell onto his knees laughing with the biggest smile on his face, He loved every moment of this.

The cold rain hitting his warm face. The peace it gave him to just finally be able to call a place home. Starting fresh. No bad memories. No trauma. Just freedom. And that's all he ever wanted.

He woke up in the field, he had fallen asleep in the rain. He was covered in mud. It wasn't raining as hard as before but it was definitely still raining. He laughed in glee, he was free from the world. The light ray of sun hit his face.

It was only him, he loved it.

After about 20 more minutes more he chose to go back inside.

He wrapped himself up in a warm towel and sat down at his fireplace. Starting up a warm fire.

He gazed down at the fire, that man from the cafe shot back into his mind. The hair, his freckles, his smile. He was quite attractive.

His thoughts were stopped by a phone call. It was his dad.

He picked his phone off the ground and answered it.

"Hey dad!"

"Hey son, I'm just checking up on you. How are your few first days?" His dad questioned

"It's been pretty good, how are you?" George responded picking the dirt off his legs.

"I've been good, just the usual days here. Have you checked out the town near you?" His dad asked

"Oh ya, it's a nice town."

George and his dad talked on the phone for hours. He didn't realize how much he missed his dad until that moment. After his mom died it has only been him and his dad. 7 years together with no sibling, that meant that they were practically each other's best friends. He didn't mind though.


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