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The late bell had already rung by the time I made it to the biology lab. I winced as the door creaked on its hinges when I opened it. All the eyes in the room turned to me and I gulped nervously.

"I'm sorry, I got lost." I said to the professor standing at the front of the class.

"You must be..." he glanced down at a paper on his desk. "Aviana Faulkner, my new student."

"Just Ava, sir."

"Well just Ava, I'll excuse your tardiness today since you're new. But if you're late enough to interrupt my class again, I ask that you don't bother showing up."

I nodded hastily, nervously shifting my feet as everyone watched me get chastised by the professor.

"I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again."

"Good. My name is Mr. Brixtonn. You can take the empty seat next to Mr. Matthews." He said, returning his attention back to the text book in his hands. My eyes scanned the students and I felt a rush of relief as Dylan waved to me next to an empty seat.

I hurried toward him and sat down, my face feeling hot as everyone's eyes eventually returned back to the front of the room.

"You couldn't tell me that we had the same class together?" I hissed at Dylan.

"I didn't know! I'm sorry! I blame Brandon." He whispered.

I put my face in my hands, remembering the embarrassment I had felt running into that super hot guy in the hallway.

"Ugh, I ran into the most gorgeous dude I've ever seen. Literally ran right into him. That could have been avoided." I groaned quietly.

"Oh yea? Who was it?" Dylan asked, leaning forward in his seat.

"I didn't get his name."

"Ms. Faulkner and Mr. Matthews, would you mind allowing me to continue teaching, or would you like to take your conversation outside?" Mr. Brixtonn said loudly. I slouched lower in my chair, willing myself to disappear, but Dylan threw him a smile.

"Sorry sir, I was just letting Ava know what chapter we're on." He said easily. The teacher grumbled something before resuming his lecture.

"After class." Dylan mumbled to me and I flipped open my book to the current chapter.

Luckily, biology was one of my favorite classes, and I had already read through the textbook to prepare. It didn't take me long to pick up where we were and get engrossed in the subject.

The class was nearly over when I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. I rubbed it discreetly while looking around the room.

Towards the back of the class, a pair of unnaturally bright blue eyes caught my attention. I startled slightly, realizing I was looking at a group of four girls, all of them witches. I could tell just by the absurd beauty of them that they held some magic in their blood. They must be part of the local coven my mom had been telling me about.

I gave them a shy wave, and one of them returned it with a small smile. The one with the blue eyes continued staring at me and I looked away awkwardly, returning my attention back to the notes I was taking.

Finally, the bell rang and everyone started packing up their bags to leave the room. Mr. Brixtonn yelled out a reminder for an assignment due at the end of the week and I quickly scribbled it in my planner.

A shadow fell across my desk and I looked up, surprised to see the four girls that had been sitting in the back of the class. I glanced at Dylan who was watching us with interest. He chewed on the tip of his pen absentmindedly as they surrounded my desk.

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